View Full Version : Terrified - Mouth cancer

02-10-06, 09:18
Sorry to post again.

I have something in my mouth that can be only descibed as a painless mouth ulcer.

It has been there about 5 days. It firstly appeared a very samll clear lump on the inside of my lower lip. When i inspected it it kinda burst and released clear liquid! It happened again today and when it burst it bled a little.

STUPIDLy i have googled and it comes up that a painless ulcer is a sign of cancer. I DO smoke socially (never any more then about 2/3 a day, soemtimes none for days on end)

I have booked a Docs appointment for this eve, but I am so scared.
I will now try to give up the social smoking, but what if it is too late.

I am so scared...please some advise[V][V][V]

Hay x

02-10-06, 10:24
I get these little ulcer type things on the inside of my cheek all the time and they are caused by my teeth rubbing aginst the cheek. They fill up with fluid and then burst - if I dont burst them myself beforehand. Dont worry. It sounds like you have the same sort of thing. And pack in the smoking now - its never too late.

Sheik N Shimmy
02-10-06, 10:30

It sounds like a blister. Do you bite your lip when you are anxious?

They say you should get a mouth ulcer checked out if it's there more than two weeks. You've only got this thing for five days.

I'm sure you don't have mouth cancer but even if you did (and what are the odds of that!?!?!?) they could fix it easily.

It'll be gone in a couple of days and you'll wonder why you got into a tizzy about it.


Keep On Keepin On

02-10-06, 10:51
thanks guys.
i dont know if it is where i have benn chewing my lip in my sleep!? as it only appears in the morning!

really feeling today with anxiety. Cant stop crying ( well welling up as am at work)

Feel scared as a i thought i was getting there and beating this, and now i feel it is back with a vengence!!!!

Hay x

02-10-06, 19:27
Try not to Google, i know its easier said than done but it really doesnt help!!!

03-10-06, 08:55
Ok - Been to the docs, nothing serious!!!!
But still my anxiety is very hi.
I have a heavy / tight feeling across my eyebrows and
my head pains are back!

If its not one thing it is the other

Hay x

03-10-06, 09:26
When I get really worried about something it usually takes a few days to calm down. You are still probably very tense resulting in the tight feelings and headaches.

Take it easy.

03-10-06, 09:33
Thanks LT.

This place helps me a lot when i am feeling blue!
I tell you the wether has a lot to answer to!!!!

Hope you are ok x

Hay x

19-05-16, 23:16
:lac: Hi everyone I'm new here & I'm terrified.
The last few days I've had a feeling right at the back of my tongue
on the left, like when you have popcorn or crumbs stuck there & it's really dry. It seems to go away when I am eating.
It seems to be getting worse but I'm not sure if that's because of my anxiety & overthinking. I've done Google search which has now made me convinced I have oral cancer. I went to my GP she had s quick look & said she doesn't see anything serious but if it keeps persisting then to go back. I'm really terrified. Anyone else get these symptoms??

20-05-16, 00:57
:lac: Hi everyone I'm new here & I'm terrified.
The last few days I've had a feeling right at the back of my tongue
on the left, like when you have popcorn or crumbs stuck there & it's really dry. It seems to go away when I am eating.
It seems to be getting worse but I'm not sure if that's because of my anxiety & overthinking. I've done Google search which has now made me convinced I have oral cancer. I went to my GP she had s quick look & said she doesn't see anything serious but if it keeps persisting then to go back. I'm really terrified. Anyone else get these symptoms??
Can you link whatever website/forum convinced you that it's a symptom of oral cancer? If you cant due to the new user limitations PM me the links.
What you're describing is extremely vague and sounds nothing like oral cancer, and few days is nothing. Really don't think you should be worried at all

23-05-16, 13:17
Hi I'm not sure which site it was because silly me as always hits Google search
with symptoms and all I kept was cancer and get it checked out ASAP. I guess that's why they say don't google your symptoms 😫