View Full Version : Health anxiety

31-05-13, 16:39
Hi all I have been suffering from health anxiety for the last 7 years and I am sure it is linked to general anxiety. I am currently in the Middle East and have started to convince myself I have the new Coronavirus, I am monitoring my breathing which makes me short of breath and increases my belief I have caught it.

I have obsessed over numerous things AIDS, Cancer,MS you name it I have tried to convince myself I have it. I live in fear now of passing this current virus I think I have to my family when I return home.

I am in my 30s and in the last few years have lost friends who were of a similar age to MS and SADS, this has only added to my obsessive behaviour.

I have been on anti depressants before and they worked, so I intend to speak to the Doc on my return to UK and get some. I tried therapy but it just didn't work for me.

I just wish I could stop obsessing it has the potential to ruin my career and family.

31-05-13, 17:31
Hi Nala. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.