View Full Version : Gallbladder Question

31-05-13, 17:06
Hey guys
I was googling something really innocent. I wanted to know if I could take vitamins (b complex, vit d, biotin) if you have gallbladder problems/stones.
I came across something that said if you have gallbladder issues it's because you have an unhealthy liver!? Is this true? The specialist never mentioned this to me...... I was having issues with my liver and pancreas, but I thought it was because of a stone. Now I am worried again.
I never did find an answer to the vitamin question, does anyone know if taking vitamins will be OK? I'm super paranoid about what I put in my body now, out of fear I will get sick again.

31-05-13, 18:05
I've read that some people take Vit E for a healthy gallbladder--not sure if it does anything positive or negative after gb problems have been diagnosed, though. But for what it's worth, I took Vitamin D for years up until my swallowing problem in February, and I've had issues probably due to my GB for at least two years now. The Vit D and multivitamin and fish oil never caused me any issues, and fish oil is supposed to help with inflammation. But I know what you mean about the fear of taking anything..I'm afraid to even take Tylenol! :) The one thing I have read is that we aren't supposed to take echinacea in any form.

31-05-13, 18:51
I guess I will have to take them tomorrow morning and see. Hopefully won't be a problem! Thanks!!

31-05-13, 22:38
I was diagnosed with gallstones 25 yeas ago and I still have them!! They don't bother me so I don't bother them. I cannot eat pastry as this was the trigger for a gallbladder attack initially but haven't had one since.

It is possible to live with gallstones, millions of people do who have no idea they have them. Your body adapts and bypasses your gallbladder ( can't remember the exact explanation but dr said my gallbladder was redundant!)

I have a liver function test every 6 months to check my gallbladder is not silently causing any problems and every 3-4 years I have an ultrasound as well.

Gallstones can certainly affect the health of your liver but I have never heard of it being the other way round.

31-05-13, 23:09
It's nice to know that people can live with gallstones, I guess as long as they make their way through they way they should, and if you know foods that trigger attacks, I suppose you could live with it.
I don't know now a days it's like that is the first thing that comes to minds is that it needs to be removed asap.Yes, I'm hoping what I read about gallbladder being a sign of a bad liver just rubbish, as I said I'd never heard of that before. I do know that in some cases a bad gallbladder can cause liver issues as I've already been through it. I know he will push surgery, I don't think I have the choice on that. Thanks again!!

01-06-13, 00:01
Hi! I'm not sure about the dangers of taking vitamins with gallbladder issues... I don't see why it would be an issue, but if you want to reassure yourself, an option may be to call a drug store and ask to speak to the pharmacist. They might have the answer to your question.

Hope this helps!