View Full Version : oral thrush

31-05-13, 21:21
hi everyone, please can you help? ive just been diagnosed with oral thrush and im now panicking as ive read on google that people with undiagnosed cancers get it?, i just have no idea why i have this so im really worried, please help :weep: xx

01-06-13, 10:06
Many people get oral thrush with nothing to do with cancer at all. I presume the doctor has given you something for it and it should clear in a few days.

01-06-13, 10:17
The oral thrush link with cancer is that people undergoing chemotherapy have a lowered immune system and are therefore more susceptible to developing thrush. There are some very, very rare cases where symptoms which mimic oral thrush (not thrush itself) can be a sign of early cancer, but as you have been diagnosed with thrush, this doesn't apply to you.

I think if we look hard enough on the Internet, we can find almost any symptom can be linked to cancer. Please don't worry, it will be gone in a few days xx

01-06-13, 12:04
My doc told me once its impossible for people who have HA to settle because nearly EVERY symptom can be linked to cancer in some way and also HIV but 99.9% if the time it's just - a cold or a cough or a lump here or tingle there - it's neither if those illnesses - if u particularly worry about cancer it's so hard because u will find a way of everything being cancer if u google - u need to try n rationalise although I kno that's the hardest bit!!

Weirdly cancer is one of the things I have never worried about I have weird HA - I worry about only things that cannot b cured. Cancer is so well researched and alot of the time v curable therefore it doesn't make my ridiculous HA list!!

01-06-13, 13:17
thanks everyone for your replies the doctor has given me some nystatin, it does seem to be a little better today, i know i shouldnt of googled, the first things that come up are healthy people dont get oral thrush so that sent me into a mad panic :-(, while i was at the docs she also prescribed me some setraline and acid tablets for my anxiety and ocd so fingers crossed i start to feel better xx

01-06-13, 15:42
I had oral thrush many years ago, it was put down to be being run down and the doctor said it's just like picking up a virus you get run down and you can easily develop it.

So don't worry at the time I didn't have HA so didn't worry but that was years and years ago and I'm fine (apart from the HA :D) I'm sure yours will be a one off too.

take care

03-06-13, 11:44
do you know how long it takes to clear up as ive been using the nystan for 3 days and its still there :-( xx

03-06-13, 12:05
Hi all,
Ive noticed a white blob on either side of my tounge? im 'run down' at the moment? could this be oral thrush? the gp yesterday said its like an ulcer but im not being funny ive had it a week now, initially monday night it felt sore on 1 side, but the pain went tuesday and hasnt came back AND It dont look like an ulcer its like a long blob not a circle shape. :(

03-06-13, 16:22
Hi Shivmarie

I get ulcers on my tongue and they are always white. They can take over a week to heal so don't worry that yours hasn't healed yet. I find that when mine are healing up they sort of spread out and look bigger or longer than they were originally. If the doctor has seen it then I wouldn't worry. Get some bonjela to help speed up the healing. I hope it settles down soon.

M xxx

03-06-13, 16:34
Thanks Moonlight.
Im freaking about everything just recently :( will try putting something on it and see if that hurries it along x

03-06-13, 16:35
Nystatin is very good for treating oral thrush, 3 days is the first dosage your Dr will go for but if you have some left and it hasn't completely gone then it want do any harm to continue using it, also oral thrush is a lot more common than you would imagine, most people with asthma get it, if you have denture which I am sure you dont get it, if you have arthritis or an auto immune disease then you can get it, their are loads of reasons and one of them can be as simple as not drinking enough fluid, use the nystatin but don't be too alarmed if it comes back or doesn't clear completely first go, also I would say that it is an over abundance of yeast in your system.

03-06-13, 18:30

Sorry wasn't online yesterday to reply, mine took about a week to go, it was awful I had so many mouth ulcers as well as thrush and I remember for days I couldn't eat because they were all over my tongue, not to mention it was thickly coated with white stuff.

Anyway it was about 5 days before I could eat again and then it cleared up pretty quickly but I'd say it was 7 days before it had more of less gone and I think I had to keep using the stuff for about another week after that.

03-06-13, 21:10
Thanks guys!will give it a go :-)