View Full Version : Renee 123

Renee 123
31-05-13, 22:34
Hi, I am new and really need help. I have had anxiety pretty much my whole life.
I have had it under control at times but over the last month I have lost it. I have been working 2 jobs and taking 4 classes. When I started feeling ill I assumed the worst and convinced myself I had pancreatic cancer. After a lot of tests my doctor convinced me i am ok but I still cant get the panic feelings under control. I switched from celexia to zoloft about 2 weeks ago but I am still so jittery and cant sit still or eat and feel like crying all the time. I wake up early every morning filled with complete panic. Can anyone help me?

31-05-13, 22:49
Its a terrible condition that can completely wipe you out, and after a period of HA it can take a while too get back onto an even keel, I rank it up their with PTSD, you are at least believing the Drs diagnosis so that's good but maybe you could get some CBT therapy too help you deal with the anxiety, a good nights sleep will also help, make sure you have a good diet as well x