View Full Version : OCD

01-06-13, 01:10
Hi,I am finding out that I have Harm OCD. From the age of 14 teen , for years I blamed it on drinking and doing drugs. And I was in denial!! I finally decided to get sober and have been for over 3 years. And it seem like my OCD was manageable.But it was still there and one night I was at my girlfriends house and the horrific thoughts came back . So strong I had to leave the house terrified.I have lived and battled with these thoughts for years and years.I explained to my girlfriend that we can no longer be together. Because I did not want to tell her the truth , embarrassed she would think I was crazy !! I finally broke down and told her the truth. To make a long story short .She directed me to get help and I am so happy I see that I am not alone and that there is help!!!

01-06-13, 16:43
Hi Mackey and :welcome:
I'm sure you will find this forum helpful!
Take care,
J x