View Full Version : fast pulse....anyone??

02-10-06, 11:49
hi there
been worrying(for a change) over the weekend about my heart (again).......im concerned about my pulse rate...it seems to be constantly fast...to me anyway, whenever i check it, it normally is about 80-90+........is this ok?

i dont know what it was before i had anxiety....i never even thought about my heart then, but now im very aware of it banging and thumping away..even going in the shower makes it race(think its the noisy power shower)....had a ecg last week...the nurse says it was fine just fast(91)....but that could be normal for me....she said!

Does anyone else have a high pulse rate?..........i really dont want to go on betablockers as im scared they will slow my heart down too much and i will faint
Also how fast does your heart have to be going to class it as palpitations?
thanks for readingx

02-10-06, 13:07

I also have been having a fast pulse rate, its been 100 plus, but i have put it down to anxiety,i have been to the Docs twice about it and he says its anxiety also, when i was taking my pulse i was getting real nervous, which was making my pulse worse. Have you tried taking your pulse first thing on a morning when you get out of bed? i have been taking mine when i get up on a morning or last thing at night, when i feel relaxed and it as been ok.

Hope that helps



02-10-06, 13:22

My pulse rate is a lot higher now than it used to be. In the last few years, since my anxiety has been worse, it is often 90+, sometimes 100! Mine gets worse in the shower too and also after I have eaten.

The doctor says it is just anxiety. I try not to check it too much now, but it is hard not to!

Take care

Jo xx

02-10-06, 13:32

I find that my pulse is normally around 81 beats per minute. I used to constantly check it, and I would panic if it was faster or slower than usual.

I was also the same with checking my temperature.

I would say that your pulse rate was normal, If we went up to someone on the street and checked their pulse it would probably be about the same as ours. The only difference is that we worry about these kind of things.

Take Care

Sara xx

02-10-06, 14:50
when i used to constantly check my pulse it was quite fast about 90 but since i stopped worrying its gone down to normal unless i'm anxious about something else

because i was anxious about my pulse been too fast this would make it fast


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

Stress head Rach
02-10-06, 20:22
The minute the finger goes on that wrist for the pulse it goes up...... its adrenaline. Mine is often 80-100 and when I have a panic attack reached at least 200 and it is still ok! you are centering on it and it makes it worse... I know I do it.