View Full Version : whats wrong with me

01-06-13, 10:53
a couple of weeks back i was fine even though before that i had bad cough, chest infec,cold everything you name it. i felt low. but no anxiety. no anxiety in those couple of weeks either. but now im low again. i,ve got bit of a chesty cough,flem [spelt it wrong sorry] & bad ear infec & im feeling so lethargic. i must be so run down to be like that. any help/ideas. o my anxiety is back too. also feel foggy headed & like theres a cloud over me [which i have had before] so hate it. no matter how hard you try sometimes you don,t succeed

01-06-13, 18:21
Hi Fruity
I know that cloud feeling only too well and I now know that it is what you say..it's just anxiety. i say just but I know how hideous it is. I keep telling myself that's all it is and just try and get on with day to day life. I find it difficult when the children are off school as I don't work during school holidays and I'm usually running around like a mad thing in term time so it's easier to switch off from it. A lot of my friends at school have been hit by one virus after the other and have been ill with coughs/colds/headaches for a couple of months now. The dr has told them it's just one virus after the other and I'm sure that's what is happening to you.

Just wanted to send you a hug :hugs:try and stay positive, you can do it xx

02-06-13, 15:06
Thanx mags.