View Full Version : Worried about forehead pressure :(

01-06-13, 12:02
Seems like every time I lie down or just put my head back I get this forehead pressure which is mostly located l around my right temple and a bit on the right side of my head. I do have a stuffy nose so it may be sinuses, but it's a very strong pressure and gets worse the longer I lie down. :( anyone have this? I'm just worried its another brain tumour anxiety symptom to add to my list :(

01-06-13, 16:41
hi jen.
i get that some times too. its horrible. hugs. i have sinus probs too and hayfever n anxiety probs.
i think mine gets worse wen i am tired or stressed or both!
try an ice pack on your head laying down.. helps tension. and i sniff obas oil.
hope u feel better

01-06-13, 18:07
Hello :) thanks for the reply
I'm glad you understand what I'm going through. It's also very reassuring :)
I'm going to try those things out :)
Take care!

01-06-13, 22:58
Anyone else?