View Full Version : Think I am becoming obsessed with my heart.

01-06-13, 22:17
I have been so naughty this week googling arterial fibrillation and recently angina! I no longer feel as though I have AF but am worried about Angina. I get all the normal anxiety pains but also get 1 directly behind my left breast which I used to think was my heart but have read that cardiac pain would be in the centre (or cannot be pinpointed).
I kind of jut need a little reassurance, is this also anxiety related? Have any of you guys had pain there. It lasts a few seconds and I cam usually stop it when I stand up.

01-06-13, 22:32
Keekee, hi again.

Angina comes on with exercise, including just walking upstairs.

I once worried about this, but all my chest pains are when sitting. When I move, walk, lift, etc, I have less pain.

When does your pain occur?

01-06-13, 22:39
Hi it just occurs at random times. Could even be lying in bed. It isn't agonising or anything and I have had it occasionally for years now but since being diagnosed with anxiety it scares me alot. Some days more than others.
I have a GP appointment on Monday so am going to keep mentioning my fears and hopefully the more reassurance I get the more likely I am to believe it's all part of the human body!
I also get a pain in my finger occasionally as if it were arthritis (this doesnt scare me) and it comes and goes sometimes with ages in between so im sure its the same type of thing albeit in a different place.
I am however constantly thinking about my heart. I think thinking about it is making me think I jave a bit of everything heart related :-(
It's more manageable with Propranolol but still affects my life.

02-06-13, 09:19
Speaking as someone with heart problems, I can tell you that angina is an excruciating pain which comes on with the mildest of exercise, even just walking. It would be in the centre of your chest and would make you feel that you have to rest and cannot continue with whatever you were doing. I also get random pains in both my right and left breast area and I have been told by my GP that these are quite normal.

02-06-13, 11:14
Thank you Frankie, that has certainly put my mind at ease. Sorry for your problems, it must be awful. O wish you all the best.