View Full Version : datastream checking in

01-06-13, 22:41

Well after a few months of reading this site I thought that I'd "check in" and say hello, I've read a whole lot of stuff on here and it's really helped me in so many ways that the "OP" wouldn't even know they did.

I read the PM and it said that I needed to say hello and post what meds and stuff that I am on but for now I think I'm ok with just posting a "hello" (Hope you don't mind) I can go into a lot of detail a little later on. feeling very alone in this world at the minute and have done for some time.

I will explain a little bit more as time goes on.

Feeling pretty down and pretty low to tell you the truth but that's why I registered to get it written down. (you know they do say that writing it down can help) well guess that's what I'm doing.

I will be around as I have a few questions to ask, first of all I'd like to say "thanks" some of the posts which I've been reading have helped me loads so to the people out there (you) you have helped me without you knowing. Hope I can pass that back onto people.....

Thanks and see you all around the forum. I have a few questions that I'd like to bounce of you all....so I'll be posting. :)


01-06-13, 23:09
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP


02-06-13, 00:21
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

05-06-13, 23:01
Thanks for the welcome and the support, I can't echo it enough, I know I haven't posted but been reading and reading lots and lots over the past year or so since I found this forum.

Thanks it really means a lot to be able to discuss what is happening (not that I've posted that yet) but at last, a place that I can discuss what I'm going through and not be shot down.....

looking forward to being able to give something back in the long run to others on here, little did you people know (as posted) you've helped me just by reading some of the posts.

05-06-13, 23:07
Hi and welcome

05-06-13, 23:19
Hello and welcome:welcome: