View Full Version : Weird feelings of motion help? Dizzy can't sleep

02-06-13, 05:16
So recently I've been starting to think that neurologically there is something really wrong with me.

For the past week I've been staring at objects and they seem to be moving slightly up and down even though that are completely inanimate.

Also I feel like Every time I stand up, I get dizzy, and every time this happens it puts me in a panic

Now it's 11:54 pm and I'm laying in bed as I type this but when I did Lye down I felt this really really weird sense of motion and now I'm worried sick, literally, I'm nausaus right now. I can't describe the type of motion, but lets just say it's not normal.

For the past few weeks I've noticed that I keep getting tingly/fuzzy feeling in my face left had, checks, one head, and even inside my mouth which I don't know of that has anything to do with anything but it probably does

Now I'm super nervous that I have something neurologically wrong with me. I am only 17 and I know I'm young but anything is possibe i don't know what to do someone help me please :(

---------- Post added at 04:00 ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 ----------

I've also noticed I've had a hard time focusing and remembering things that I probably should remember I don't know I'm going insane

---------- Post added at 04:09 ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 ----------

I'm laying down with the back of my head on my pillow and looking straight up and it just feels like Im slowing doing a back flip and I'm extremely nervous that something is wrong with me. I can't sleep or anything. It's not even a dizziness just like a weird motion feeling. I've noticed that I been getting these a lot I think I really need to see a doctor and I'm trying so hard not to google right now I just want to fall asleep and hopefully wake up

---------- Post added at 04:12 ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 ----------

I think the motion gets worse and worse by day

---------- Post added at 04:13 ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 ----------

I'm super run down and exhausted today but the motion has been going on for a week before today so I don't know. I don't know what to do with myself anymore honestly.

---------- Post added at 04:16 ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 ----------

I also been having random body tremors I think they're called. Like when you shiver and you randomly spaz out a little bit. But I do this often even if I'm not cold

02-06-13, 05:17
Hey Clank, long time no speak, sorry to hear you going through such a hard time.

Im just off to bed as its gone 5am here but I saw your thread so thought I would reply quickly as I know how horrible it is when your feeling the way you are and getting such strange random symptoms.

What I can say is I have had many similar if not the same neurological symptoms that you describe. I have had objects that seem like they are moving slighty. I have various random dizzyness symptoms that change all the time. I have had tingling and weird sensations in my face hands arms, everywhere you name it. The weird sense of motion you say you felt sounds like something I have had too, I dont know exactly what yours felt like but I get these moments where is feels like my brain does a flip or my brain and body feels like it has done a flip or dropped from a height somehow when infact I havent moved at all. It is really hard to explain and very scary but I have had them for a while and I have been ok so I reckon you will be to. Also my memory seems terrible aswell but I think that's just natural and happens when we have anxiety and worry about things so much.

But at the end of the day the best thing you can do is just get checked up by your doctor and see what they say but I would say it is highly likely to be anxiety so try not to worry.

Hope you start to feel better soon mate, take care :)

02-06-13, 14:35
Hey thanks for the reply it means a lot to me!

I feel like I'm trying so hard to figure out if I'm actually seeing an object move, that it's actually starting to move. Same with the strange motion.

What scares me is I feel that every time I stand up I get that dizziness.but the thing is every time I do stand up, I try to focus on it to see if it's going to happen. Maybe I am focusing so much on motion and dizziness that its starting to happen?

Do you get the standing dizziness got?

02-06-13, 19:05
Can anyone else help? Its like motionsickness when i'm not even moving and im scared.