View Full Version : Weeing a lot anxiety?

02-06-13, 14:48
Hello everyone I have suffered on and off for the last 10 years with G.A.D and Health anxiety for 10 years now so I should no better but I am weeing a lot lately I there is no pain and the urine is a normal colour but I have spells of going up 3 times an hour sometimes it's every two hours or so I am going to stop drinking caffiene for a while and see if this helps somedays I urinate normally but only if I'm in happy mood but most days lately I'm ever so anxious and catastrophise my thoughts like so many others, then I wee a lot I should no better and when I'm calm and still I know it's anxiety, so why do I get panicky over this and have this problem I would really appreciate some help and advice please!

02-06-13, 21:19
I have had this I think it's just a nervous reaction I use to before my anxiety and like you was every 2 to 3 hours.

Did always make me worry tho. But pretty sure it's ok

02-06-13, 21:27
I had the same problem last summer, was going to the toilet every 15 mins or so it seemed. Went to my lovely GP who said it was an irritable bladder and to take some sachets for cystitis to calm it down a bit. This worked for me. My GP also said it was because my ha was high again.

Good luck and try not to worry too much x

02-06-13, 21:31
Hi there I had this for a year and had every test going, it was all anxiety and I was the same I could go 3/4 times an hour I have now got over this anxiety symptom but my advice is don't cut things out like coffee and stuff if you like them as I think it heightens the problem by thinking about it too much and also if you need a wee just have one without thinking this is my fourth wee in an hour, because this keeps the anxiety and symptom going round In a viscous cycle xx

02-06-13, 22:39
Thank you all for your comments, I'm not going back to the doctors with this as I allways get the same cynical look of them and the usual it's probably anxiety but we will send you for some blood tests bye bye! And then you got 2 to 3 weeks worth of excruciating anxiety to worry about waiting for the results and when they come back clear your ok for a few days then the whole vicious circle starts all over again what's the point lol!

03-06-13, 07:00
Anxiety sets off the flight or fight response n what can happen is it makes your body want to get rid of any waste, causing you to need to go to the bathroom.
I know for nervous bladder issues there is some kind of bladder training you can do, maybe try google ?
I assume you've been checked for any infections. But canberry juice / tablets might help a bit.
Coffee,alcohol n that will make you need to pee more than normal.