View Full Version : First tone sound in my right ear then flash in vision

02-06-13, 16:56
As I type this i am sitting in a river of anxiety, anytime now i could just freak out. I had a nap before and woke up to a sound in my left ear a tone and i quickly got up because i panicked, i had a running tummy after that and then the sound went. It scared the shit out of me , i do have tinnitus but in the form of a hissing sound. The tone sound scares me the most. After a while i made some food to eat and sat down to have it then out of nowhere this flash appeared in my vision as if someone took a picture of me only thing nobody did and I looked outside my window and it was not lightning, i am high on anxiety now and a bit scared as to what is going on. I dont know whether sitting on my laptop all day blogging and watching dvds as done this or is causing my health to go downhill. I hate this feeling, i feel so helpless and i have a very inconsiderate family if anything has to happen to me. It is like im stuck in this alone.

02-06-13, 18:39
sometimes i mistake my own blinking for flashes of light just like what you mentioned in your post. If your really worried i would see your doctor for some reassurance!

02-06-13, 21:39
its anxiety :) very common i get it all the time but it is very scary! It happens when your adrenaline levels are high x

03-06-13, 07:12
Maybe a car drove past? Or the sunlight bounced of some reflective surface causing the flash you saw?