View Full Version : new to the forum, hello to everybody

02-06-13, 18:38
Hi All, my name is Glenn im 26 years old and have a diagnosis of clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder, though to be honest the anxiety and panic symptoms are alot worse than the depression, for me personally.

Nice to find a forum with people who will understand what Im going through on a daily basis, I have to admit that recently I have become very frustrated and totally fed up with battling with panic and dread everyday.

I look forward to getting to know the people here on the forum and also If i can be of any help to anybody then that will also be great.

Take care for now everyone


02-06-13, 20:29

Hi Glen, you will find lots of help and support on here.

I am suffering with depression and anxiety, and I find the panic/anxiety much worse to deal with than the depression, I believe the depression has come about because of the anxiety!

02-06-13, 21:47
A big welcome to the site Glenn :)

Its a brilliant little community and I'm sure you'll find it
a great source of comfort and support!

Wishing you all the best

02-06-13, 22:08
Hi Glen and :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here

02-06-13, 23:08
Hi Glenn. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

Catherine S
02-06-13, 23:10
Hello and welcome...I'm a new member too :flowers:

02-06-13, 23:24
Glenn and I still believe , Hi and :welcome:

I hope you both find the site helpful.

Glenn I know how you feel, anxiety and panic attacks are horrible. I hope you start feeling a bit better soon.