View Full Version : New b

02-06-13, 20:12
Hi I just wanted to say a big thank you to you all , I am a new b and I cannot tell you how fantastic this web site is , I have been suffering from severe anxiety for 3 months not really sure what brought it on but I can tell you for a while I honestly thought I was going mad with the symptons it's awfull and to think I can come on here now and read what other people have been through its fantastic there is light at the end of the tunnel x

02-06-13, 20:20
I am so pleased that after joining the site you are able to see that all the symptoms are not bad just a part of the disease, ie anxiety/panic, I know its not nice but as soon as you take control then you take away the power of it.
Welcome to the forum x

02-06-13, 23:09
Glad to have you with us, Jessica.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I can see you're also benefitting from being here.

03-06-13, 00:01
Hi Jessica and :welcome:
Glad you have found the site helpful. I do too. And you are not alone.
Horrible feeling when you think you are going mad, I`ve been there too

03-06-13, 09:46
Hi! I am new too. Its making me cry seeing that I am not the only one. Hang in there. We can DO this! :)


03-06-13, 12:27
we can and we will beat this!!!!!