View Full Version : constant backache

03-06-13, 11:11
hi ive had lower back ache for weeks now been to gp and they just gave me pain killers can anxiety cause back ache as im starting to think ive got bone cancer or spine cancer i kmow they are just thoughtsbut cant stop worring about it as i think i and my gp would know if if i did have it surely

03-06-13, 11:20
Hi Tricia. Sorry to hear your back is aching. I get occasional lumbago and it's awful. Most of the time, lower back ache is nothing more than just that. It's painful and can be debilitating but it isn't serious. We've all heard stories where someone went to the docs with back ache and ended up being diagnosed with a serious illness but this is a rare occurrence and your GP will know to look out for things like that.

Are the painkillers working? Did your doc ask questions about when it hurts, if it's relieved by changing position etc? Xx

03-06-13, 11:52
thk you for replying sarah i dont take the pain killers as i dont like takeing any kind of meds and my gp did look at ware i get the pain . it hurts more when i start to walk and my posture is very poor im always sitting on my knees even on my bed or siting on a chair or floor and im always leaning forward ive done this ever since i got anxiety so maybe thats is causeing my back ache

04-06-13, 13:32
YES - I had constant lower back pain it got so bad i had leg pain when sitting and driving for about 18 months. I had MRI scans and they never found anything. I got my anxiety under control and touch wood it went. Anxiety can defo cause physical pain I worried my lower back pain was the cause of ovarian cancer I was so wrong. I wasted all the months worrying and it turned out to be nothing. Please dont worry about it the more you do the more tense your back will get which will lead to more pain.