View Full Version : Hi new here- worried about shakiness in arm

03-06-13, 12:01
Hello everyone, I am new here. - i guessi should give a bit of background?-

I am 38. I have had a tough few years- 2 redundancies and have lost a couple of people close to me- i have always been prone to depression- but the last year- i have had loads of aches and pains and random symptoms. The only concrete thing is a I found out my blood pressure was a bit high (not high enough to go on medication though).

for a while now I have had pins and needles more than usual- i seemed to get it a lot in my left wrist/hand- then i started to get odd times when left arm would go a bit shakey (very frightening)- of course i panicked and started to think the worst.

About 6 weeks ago- i got made redundant and had a bit of a meltdown- couldn't eat- couldn't sleep- just felt jittery all the time- dr put me on sertraline. I am now eating and sleeping better- although have had some horrid dreams but my left arm is worse than ever (it feels weird all the time -kind of numb) and have had shakiness at times i have told doctor and she is certain is anxiety- but I can;t help but worry- why is it mainly in one arm?

Anyway- please has anyone had simillar symptoms? would appreciate any help or advice- sorry for long post.

love, Ccat xxx

03-06-13, 12:16
Wow ccat,

Sorry to hear you are suffering with this too. My left arm and armpit cause me so much grief. Pins and needles, shakiness, discomfort and when my chest twinges as well, I go into full heart attack panic, which just makes the symptoms worse.

Even though I have had my heart checked, I just can't ignore the symptoms. I can stretch and massage my arm and shoulder to relieve the pain slightly, but it soon returns.

My GP says it is posture and anxiety related. I suppose we just have to trust what we are told. I just hope the symptoms disappear one day.


03-06-13, 14:12
Thank you Charlie - i am very sorry you are getting this trouble too- though it is a relief to hear I am not the only one who gets it (none of my family/friends know what I mean!)

i did wonder if i had a trapped nerve or something. ? I know pain can kind of "refer" so you can have say something muscular/nerve in your chest/neck/shoulder but it "shows up"in your arm?

I also wondered if going to a chiropractor might be good - I guess it might- if it may be posture related- but it is quite expensive and as i say i've just lost my job- so not great timing! Also- I am in t1he process of having some dental work done (probably not great for the anxiety!) - and it seems i have been clenching my teeth on a night and grinding them - i don't know if you get this at all (i didn't realise til dentist said he could tell by my teeth!- maybe that could contribute? Anyways - thank you so much for replying, love CCat xxx

03-06-13, 14:29
Yes ccat, a trapped nerve could certainly cause our symptoms. Also I am led to believe my problem could originate in my neck and is referred to my arm!!

I also can't afford a chiropractor, but am seeing my GP on Wednesday, when I will be pushing for some sort of help (non-tablets).

I also have some jaw ache due to clenching my teeth. I think I am so anxious awaiting my next panic attack that I tense the whole of the top half of my body. I do try to consciously drop my shoulders and relax my neck and jaw, but it doesn't seem to be making a lot of difference.

Hope you have a better day today xxx

03-06-13, 16:15
Thanks Charlie- it has helped to have your reply.

Ah- you also clench your jaw- maybe it is all linked.

Anyway- good luck for your appointment on Wednesday- please let me know how you get on

best wishes to you

Cccat xxx

05-06-13, 14:51
Hey Charlie-

How did you get on at doctors?

ccat x:)

05-06-13, 15:02
Hi ccat,

Saw a different doctor today. She was great, really thorough and listened to me for over half an hour. She did the usual tests like bp, pulse, reflexes, etc. she also went back and looked at my ecgs, bloods and X-ray. She has concluded I am suffering from neuropathic pain caused by my anxiety and panic attacks. It sounds serious due to the word neuro, and she is referring me to a neurologist.

I was immediately worried, but she explained that it is to look for possible nerve blockage or trapped nerves in my neck and armpit. So, I guess not a brain scan!! Lol.

She has also prescribed me a low dose of Amitriptyline for 28 days until my appointment comes through. This drug is one of the first anti-depressants but isn't prescribed for depression anymore. Apparently it is very good for neuropathic pain. The side effects are dry mouth, possible nausea and drowsiness. I am to take 10mg before going to bed.

I was previously prescribed Paroxetine, but refused to take them after reading the side effects and bad press. She really reassured me though that Amitriptyline will not cause me to suffer. I am to go back and see her in two weeks to see how I am getting on with them.

Every doctor I have seen so far has come to the same diagnosis, I.e. anxiety, and yet I still worry something is wrong with my heart. Madness!!

I hope you are having a good day.

Charlie xx

05-06-13, 16:30
Hi Charlie-

Well she sounds like she's been very thorough- try and take comfort that if she has looked back over your ECGs etc- it is like they have been double checked for being ok. really- I do know what you mean though- my anxiety is still bad at the moment.

Its good that you are seeing neurologist- its amazing how far the nerves go-I saw my dentist yesterday and said i was having trouble with my arm and she said the nerves from the jaw go down the neck , the shoulders and arm- so it is all related. I am triyng to take some comfort from that!- I am getting a guard made and have bought a hypnotherapy mp3 -for teeth grinding- I tried it last - i think it did help me relax. I think we tense our muscles without knowing we are even doing it.

Anyway, thanks for updating me- i really hope the new tablets help you

Love, Ccat xx

Mr m anxious
05-06-13, 16:56
Wow you two, I'm pretty much the same, I have nerve pain which started after my first panic attack. Now my neck, shoulders and left arm ache as well as itchy/ prickly feeling in the chest, left arm and also my legs feel like there burning when I have been active. It sometimes feel like my skin is tight from my neck to my collarbone, I try my best to ignore all these symptoms but it's very hard. I seen consultant yesterday but she doesnt seem concerned, she kept telling me you have nothing sinister but although I believe this to a certain degree I cant help thinking I have a neuro problem. Sounds daft but hoping I have a pinched nerve in my neck or shoulders which I believe could cause most of I problems ac cc said referred pain. I'm seeing neurologist on 25th after waiting 3 months. I'm on amitriptyline Charlie 30mg at night but doesn't seem to be doing anything, consultant said she'll put me on gabapentin after I've seen neuro which is for nerve pain. Hope you both feel better soon.

05-06-13, 17:01
Thanks ccat,

This will make you laugh.

Ever since the doctor mentioned the neurologist, I have noticed the vein above each temple. They will of course have been there for my whole life, but now I am worried they are bulging!!!!!

How mad is that. I keep checking them and now my temples are aching. Lol.

Charlie xxx

---------- Post added at 17:01 ---------- Previous post was at 16:58 ----------

Hi mr m,

Did you get side effects when you started. I have to take the plunge this evening?


Mr m anxious
05-06-13, 17:30
Hi Charlie
Only occasional dry mouth, I experimented a couple of times and took them in the day but didn't even make me drowsy! I'm seeing doc next week to see if I can take higher dose, believe they do work as an antidepressant but you need to be on at least 75mg , I don't think 10mg will do much Charlie but everyone's different.
Yes had to laugh about veins in your head, the mind makes you imagine all sorts, it's the when someone tells you their itchy scenario lol.

05-06-13, 20:19
Ah Charlie- I do sympathise. I tried to take my sertraline at night last night mistake! Woke up with a bad panic attack. Went to dr- and she wantedto up the dose! I said no.

But this afternoon have had juddery feeling in neck too as well as usual arm problem:scared15:

She said- you better go back to mornings so i had 2 doses within 12 hours- so that may have made me feel odd!

I hope you get on ok-xxx

Mr anxious- I get that burning feeling in my arms sometimes- not very nice-
I sometimes find a shower helps- maybe as its relaxing? I know what you mean about hoping it is nerve. I get particularly worried by the shakiness i have experienced. Have been to dr- but it never happens when i'm there- so i think she thinks i'm imagining it! Hope your dr's apt goes well. Cct xxx