View Full Version : Heart worries again!!!

03-06-13, 12:39
Is anyone else worried about angina? I've had Two ECGs a heart scan and blood test blood pressure check all fine , dont smoke or drink but I'm still having constant pain, tightening in chest, shooting pains feel like someones pressing Down on my chest! Generally feel weak tired butterflies in chest and stomach. I've read that even if ECGs and blood tests are fine there's still a chance you have angina? I really don't want to go to doctors again I'm trying to stay away, I have a really good few days with no pain at all then it comes back with avengence! I've started jogging on a daily basis it seems to be worse AFTER I jog not during. Don't know if it's connected really
It's really bugging me!! Anyone else the same?

03-06-13, 12:54
I have had the same problems going on at the moment pain in my chest, ribs, lower back, its horrible.
i went to the out of hours yesterday and i was down at the walk in on Monday both times they advised my chest was clear and lungs were clear, he listened to my heart yesterday that was fine, and i had an ecg about 5 weeks ago that was fine.
Today i keep focusing too much on my breathing, which in turn is making my chest feel heavy. I recognize this to be similar to when i had my last anxiety attack a few days afterwards i was the same, heavy chest feeling of tightness and tenseness again the gp listened to my chest and lungs (guess what? it came back normal).
I'm no expert on angina but im led to believe its actually excruciatingly painful as in you have to sit down immediately after to try ease the pain?

03-06-13, 13:10
Sorry that you're going through it too! I keep getting random shooting pains in my back aswell - where do you get the pain in your ribs is it like just below breastbone? I get a lot of indigestion recently and I've also noticed that's worse after exercising? Really strange. I try to focus on my breathing also but just found it makes me feel dizzy - I get shortness of breath constantly and I feel like concentrating on it and taking deep breaths just makes it worse!
Yeah well I've tried not to look too much into angina, I only know one person with it and hers is due to clogging arteries or something similar but a blood test and scan picked that up. I've had nothing show up on mine.
The whole things just mind boggling I really don't believe it's all anxiety!! X

03-06-13, 14:39
Yeah mine is just below the breastbone, its really sore, and now im getting tummy pain this afternoon. yeah i found when i kept watching my breathing i was actually making it go slow and like i was getting shortness of breath, very strange. Im so fed up of it now though i feel like a hindrance going to the doctors all the time but its just worrying x

03-06-13, 15:42
I get this as well, shooting quick pains in the centre of my chest, absolutely terrify me, happen mostly when I am sitting or think I am relaxing.

03-06-13, 15:53
yeah i notice that when im lying down it happens