View Full Version : random stabbing pains

03-06-13, 15:44
Does any one else get random stabbing pains, seemingly caused by nothing.I can be sitting down and get a stabbing pain any where in my chest, sometimes my arm and even my leg and finger. They last a couple of secs but are quite scary.

03-06-13, 16:13
yeah i've been getting this alot, also getting it in my throat :(

05-06-13, 23:57
yes, in my head, in my chest, in my ears, in my legs... all the time

06-06-13, 03:57
Yes and it seems just when I'm feeling a sense of relief they come and then I cycle into another panic. You're not alone

Worried 24/7
20-04-14, 02:48
Going through the same thing in my legs:(

20-04-14, 07:19
I was told that this is just nerve endings and not serious, I get it sometimes and afterwards feel I need to itch the area. Another strange symptom of anxiety. :ohmy:

20-04-14, 19:45
Yes I get it near my ribs, don't worry it's normal!

20-04-14, 19:53
I don't think that its anxiety as I get it but so does my friend and my partner, neither of them suffer remotely with anxiety.
I think we who suffer think that every twinge or feeling is anxiety when maybe a lot is just normal human pain/emotion.
Or that's what I tell my self, it helps LOL

20-04-14, 20:17
Remember our bodies can get alsorts of random aches and pains for no apparent reason ,I get this stabbing pain too I think its quite common xx

22-04-14, 21:59
I get those pains too. Mostly when I am alone.

23-04-14, 03:11
I get these all the time. I had one in my, erm, private parts earlier. :p

Typically they occur anywhere on the body. Usually I get them in my head. I freak out at the time, worrying it's a blood clot or something, but then it stops and I forget about it.

23-04-14, 03:49
I get stabbing pain all the time. Everywhere on my body. I don't know what it is but I've had it forever.