View Full Version : Convinced i have a blood clot oh my god

03-06-13, 16:38
i just read (i know im stupid) about the symptoms of a blood clot and now im really panicking as i have them all,
about 4 weeks ago i brought up like a spot of blood in my phelgm and my chest has been kinda heavy since Friday night coming ang going.
my GP listened to my chest yesterday and said it was fine (and last Monday) but im freaking out like i cant sit still. im at work and im so scared. can it be detected by listening to it?
im on contraceptive pill and apparently that increases it x

03-06-13, 19:40
Oh my I'm currently having this horror! ... Been getting a sharp pain in my left
Leg an obviously in my mind this is dvt ! Bad sharp pains I mean... So of course it has travelled to my lung now .. Actually really scared now with chest and rib pains an just feeling generally unwell. That horrible little voice is saying no this time this is really it you do have something seriously wrong with you ! :-( an a gp told me a while ago that it can very rarely be detected by a stethoscope and also in someone who is just on pill with no other clotting factor risks its highly unlikely x

03-06-13, 20:55
Oh god so it can't be detected by a stephe scope? Oh dear god :-(
My breathings changed just after reading that sentence :-(

03-06-13, 22:00
Blood in phlegm - I get that sometimes... usually when my allergies or sinus issues are bad. And the heavy feeling in your chest is most probably GERD or even muscle pain from clenching without even realising it.

Sometimes I find it incredible how many symptoms health anxiety can exacerbate (I'm having a problem right now with my stomach - and like yourself went straight to Google.. we really should know better than to do this right!!!)

04-06-13, 09:06
ive got some gaviscon this morning to try, im going to see how i get on, its not AS bad as yesterday perhaps its calming down a little? i said this yesterday morning then it went crazy :(
surely thought id be uber poorly if i had something like that? i havent had the blood in phlegm for a few weeks now, my nose is abit runny and im still bringing up clear phlegm, so im just trying to keep positive.

semper solus
04-06-13, 10:38
Blood clots normally start in the leg with symptoms of swelling and bad bad pain. It is highly unlikely that you have one.

My friend had a blood clot in there leg after doing a 13 hour flight. a couple of days later their leg & ankle started to swell up badly and they told me the pain was absolutely excruciating. They could not even stand on that leg. The swelling is a major factor the doctors look for when a suspected blood clot has formed.

I really don't think you have one with the symptoms you have. Regarding the blood it could be coming from your gums.

04-06-13, 11:18
Oh right!
i had some pain at the top of my legs like a burning but it was both legs i could still walk and stuff though it wasnt breath taking and it had abit of a viral rash a few weeks ago. i had the blood in my plegmn like one day, and i had been fairly sick the day or two before that vomiting and she said it was because of that. My plegm is completely clear now, no colour atall but still quite thick.

semper solus
04-06-13, 11:32
It is very very very rare to have blood clots in both legs.

Sounds like the doc is right about the vomiting and blood. Me thinks you should go sit in the sun for a couple of hours and try to relax :) :)


04-06-13, 12:04
Yeah i think i will try and just chill out, again its sort of passing. Im going to take some Gaviscon after my lunch and see if that helps.
My obs were fine at the doctors the other day and nothing was suspect. I guess im just freaking out after reading :( bad shiv!

semper solus
04-06-13, 12:15
Stay away from Dr Google!!

Keep smiling :winks:


04-06-13, 12:25
oh i bloody well will!
Ive made an appointment with a gp to talk about this acid reflux as my mum is on daily medication for it, it might help. Until then ill just try and relax.

04-06-13, 14:43
I was actually just in the ER for a suspected blood clot yesterday morning! I woke up with a bad cramp in my calf three days ago and it was hurting worse and I was starting to limp. I called my GP and he sent me to the ER. Turns out it was just a strain from the cramp, they used a doppler to look at my veins and they were all fine. The doctor said I would have had pain and tenderness down the back of the leg where the main vein is instead of directly over the muscle where my pain was. I also had no risk factors for a clot. I really wish my GP would have just looked at it and saved me that panic.

04-06-13, 15:05
Gosh yeah i can imagine it must of been frightening,
yeah iv had no proper leg pain its just like a burning on the top of my legs i shown the nurse and she said it looked abit like a viral rash, thee is no cause for concern, no swelling or anything.
hope your feeling abit better now?

rachel m
04-06-13, 19:26
Hi Shivmarie. Hopefully i can put your mind at rest. If you had a blood clot in your chest, it would be in your lungs. This causes almost immedeatly respitory failure. So you would,nt be here now, so dont worry. I,v seen this happen countless times in my field of work and you dont have the symptoms at all, also with a DVT they start in the veins behind the calf muscle in the leg. I can tell you i have seen grown men cry in agony, this is a pain that is intolerable to say the least. As others have said their is swelling, deep red/purple skin colouring and a burning feeling almost like being on fire so dont worry. you are fine. :)x

04-06-13, 19:36
Thank you Rachel.
I've just been getting myself so worked up over this, I know I'm adding to the chest tightness with my anxiety, I just keep thinking what if my lungs are failing me or what if something's been missed. I dont feel normal. Yet there's only so many times I can go to the doctors and have them look at me.
I have this persistent phlegm and its my nose too though my nose isn't stuffy. I'm thinking it may be reflux and a spot of hayfever? And I'm just reading too much into it?
I appriciate your reassurance though it puts it into perspective. Thank you x

rachel m
04-06-13, 22:26
shivmarie. hey hun, please dont try to worry. I cant see you but i know all your symptoms that you present are anxiety related. What you are experiencing at the moment is classic health anxiety. It can manifest in many different ways. ITS VILE. Its true if you think of a symptom hard enough you will get it. This has happened to me for over 20 years. When your body is truly ill it,ll let you know. You are ok. I promise you. :) x

04-06-13, 22:37
Thank you so much Rachel. So strange last week chest symptoms were non exsistant it was all head/brain worries, now that got resolved its this. It's just really uncomfortable. I have had bloods, ecgs, bp temp ruined, all came back fine yet I still can't relax xx

rachel m
06-06-13, 14:26
Hi Shivmarie. How are you feeling today?. :)x

06-06-13, 15:33
Hi Rachel,

Not too bad thank you, chest tightness has almost subsided its only when i think about it i notice it, having a little balance problem though so think im going to get y ears checked as the gp said it was cloudy, but all in all im a little better thank you. how are you?

rachel m
06-06-13, 15:51
So glad u,r feeling a little better :) I,m not feeling to good today. I cant seem to shake the feelin that something bad is going to happen to me today. I usualy brush the thoughts away after a few hours but its proving difficult today :weep:. Imay try a Diazepam later if i dont feel any better. x

09-06-13, 09:30
I've had the weekend from hell convinced something's up with me with this disorientated feeling, boyfriends gone now and I can't help feel relieved as I'm doing his head in with all this I can tell.
Did the diazepam work for you?