View Full Version : Headaches.

03-06-13, 17:52
I can't cope with these headaches. I have some kind of head symptom every day i.e dizziness, pressure, stabbing pains and one sided headaches. I have had a left sided headache all day and solpadeine has only took the edge off it. It hurts all around my left eye and when i move my head my eyes seem to be behind if that makes sense. Had a brain mri on thursday and just waiting on resuts.

03-06-13, 18:04
If they had found anything sinister you would have been told by now, in fact the radiologist would have noticed during the scan and you would have been kept in as my friend was.
You sound like you have either migraine or tension type headaches, I am waiting for MRI as I am also having constant headaches, they are a real pig :mad:
did you notice we both joined 2009 April

03-06-13, 18:20
I hope your both ok. I'm having major issues with my chest at the mo, I know it's anxiety deep down but I'm working myself up a treat :-(
Zippy, no news is good news remember, as Alex said, it's been a whole now you would of been notified had they found something on concern. Good luck to both x

03-06-13, 18:29
I had a ct scan 3 months ago and 3 shadows were seen on it so thats why i had the mri on thursday.

03-06-13, 20:57
I remember ou saying, and that you anxiety would heighten with the waiting but it's a good sign that you've not heard anything though? X

04-06-13, 16:08
I too have been suffering again with the same symptoms you describe. I keep getting headaches, sharp head pains, pressure, Tingling sensation all over my head, eye floaters and feeling spaced out along with brain fog. I have suffered with these symptoms before over the years but they seem to have come back with avengance recently it seems to be every day for weeks. I dont want to go to the docs as all they do is tell me its is anxiety and try and put me on anti depressants. I struggle to be convinced that anxiety can cause all these horrible physical symptoms but then again if it was anything more serious like a brain tumour surely I would be dead by now after suffering for years with the symptoms coming and going.

05-06-13, 20:56
Boxerharvey I have the EXACT same symptoms/situation as you do. Have you managed to resolve it or get any diagnosis? I've been given the runaround this week by two different doctors I'm being told it's just tension headaches but I'm so scared it's something more serious and I don't know how to get a doctor to finally run an MRI on me just to make sure I'm ok.

06-06-13, 17:32
Hi Poppy I havent managed to resolve the problem, I have had these symptoms on and off for years but they seem to be alot worse this time. I finally gave in and rang the doctors but they cant see me until the 5th July!!

I am just trying to convince myself that it is due to stress and anxiety but yesterday I had the worst headache/pains all day, today though so far things seem to be ok.:lac:

I just try and hang onto the thought that these symptoms seem to be on and off for years then surely it cant be anything serious else I would be dead by now.

Hope you feel better soon.