View Full Version : Everyday I fear death anyone ?

03-06-13, 20:11
Near enough every day I fear death or think I'm going to die! Does anyone else feel this. It just happens whether I'm having a symptom free day or not!! I'm. Only 24

03-06-13, 20:45
Oh thats horrid, are you on meds it might help my sister went to health anxiety classes they really helped so thats something to try, i think its a common fear try not to be scared i find having faith helps me so much take care blessings

03-06-13, 20:52
I'm 24 and I have this every single day, I start the day thinking what if I die on the way to work, or at work, what if I die before my boyfriend gets back off his flight and he has to hear that way, what I'd I die in my sleep, what if someone randomly attacks me and im killed. I hate it hate it hate it. I don't know how to get rid of it x

03-06-13, 21:28
Hi guys
Im also 24 and have this fear too. Had a GP appointment earlier ended up crying! Getting sick of it now.

04-06-13, 09:08
yep i did this this was before my anxiety went crazy i was sat there and she said its just called 'intrusive thoughts' its ok..she wasnt great. I said its ok? no its not ok its taking over my life...
so strange were all of the same age though, maybe its an age thing? lets just put it down to that :-)
what did you gp say keekee?

04-06-13, 09:54
Yes, I too had a fear of this.. for a very long time, I'm only 22.

I don't anymore, I'm not sure how I overcame the fear but a main thing that helped me overcome it, was positive thinking everyday. I thought to myself, eventually one day I will be sick, but it's not today and it won't be for a very long time. Do I want to spend my healthiest time of my life, the prime of my life in fear of something that happens to EVERYONE. You're favorite stars, singers, actors etc will all die too.. You just need to accept it, and when you do.. The fear is gone.

This on top of excersice, keeping myself busy and staying positive got me through the dark times, now I am a normal happy 22 year old.

I hope you can do the same, I wish you goodluck.

04-06-13, 10:20
Thanks Dubb, thats reassuring.
Im trying my positive thinking im also being real and saying it happens to everybody.
Im happy to hear it can be overcome.

04-06-13, 10:21
I think this is a common fear, and one which even folks without anxiety problems suffer with. Like Aggie, my faith helps a lot, although i still think about it, especially as i've got older.
The way i deal with it is to enjoy today as best as i can, and will deal with tomorrow when it comes. I know that's a lot easier said than done, especially with all the other anxiety symptoms thrown in, but with practice it gets easier.
Maybe ask the Gp if CBT could help !!

04-06-13, 10:35
what did you gp say keekee?

I have been referred to (for?) a CPN. I think it's mainly as I have a 6 year old and am currently struggling to deal with her. Every tiny thing she does is annoying me and her presence sometimes (mainly when I am at the height of my panic) makes me feel worse.

04-06-13, 10:43
I fear death its self not actually dying. Let me explain I don't worry that I am going to die today or tomorrow...Although I do worry as I don't want to die while me kids are still young. My biggest fear is actually dying..What happens to you that sort of thing. I guess its a kind of weird thing to fear but I have had the same fear since I was a child, I am now 39 and it hasn't changed my whole life. The minute I think about death I have a sort of panic attack. I think this adds to my health anxiety as I really don't know how I would handle being told I had a terminal illness....So I panic every time I have the smallest issue as everyone always talks about catching things early....

04-06-13, 12:06
I think mine is very much that, and the reactions of other people my loved ones etc.
Its so weird, im trying to tell myself stop wasting my life and live t without fear, im healthy right now just go with it

04-06-13, 23:15
I'm 24 also, think about death from the minute I wake up to the second I go to sleep. It's horrible. Having horrendous chest pains at the mo right in the centre of my chest and literally convinced I'm going to drop down dead any minute. I just try and tell myself that when we do die, we won't know about it, just like it is when we sleep. But anyone with anxiety knows how hard it is to convince your brain you're fit and well and will probably live a long life. I try take my mind off it but the thoughts just come creeping back. Really ruins your life doesn't it :(

05-06-13, 10:40
I'm 24 also, think about death from the minute I wake up to the second I go to sleep. It's horrible. Having horrendous chest pains at the mo right in the centre of my chest and literally convinced I'm going to drop down dead any minute. I just try and tell myself that when we do die, we won't know about it, just like it is when we sleep. But anyone with anxiety knows how hard it is to convince your brain you're fit and well and will probably live a long life. I try take my mind off it but the thoughts just come creeping back. Really ruins your life doesn't it :(

This is me, i also having a heavy feeling in my chest at the moment, ive had it listened too about 6 times since april, ive had ecg in april, ive had bloods in april theyre all fine i asked for a chest xray and the gp sort of laughed at me, its so frustrating :( trying to convince myself it could be muscular, the gp gave me a script for dazepam yet to take them as it passed when he did so i think i might try and do that now see if it helps

05-06-13, 11:01
Hi Shivmarie.

I get chest pains and heaviness and the Diazepam does help with it as it is a muscle relaxant. And it works pretty quick.

---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 ----------

Hi all,

Touching on the op the fear off death.

I have had this fear for most of my life and around 4 years ago it reached it highest level as I believed that I was going to Die on my 40th birthday. It played on my mind 24/7 and running up to that day was a nightmare my I went to CBT and they told me the stuff I already knew and that is we can't control what will happen.

Anyway my 40th came and all day I was waiting I even watched the clock uptil 12 midnight and then my birthday had passed and that was 2 years ago.

Having a fear of death in a way should be a good thing as it should act as a reminder to live for everyday and make the most of it.

I know still have dark time's and my fear of death is a complex one and I would explain about it in depth but I don't think it would be of benefit to anyone and it is something that I have to (forgive the pun) live with.


05-06-13, 11:13
Thanks Ace, im thinking of trying, there only 2mg and he only gave me 12 tabs, this was back in April, he listened to my chest and really was quite thorough and said to take 1 each night before bedtime, funnily enough though it passed by itself so perhaps it was the anxiety passing and i still am yet to take one, even with my anxiety being sky high.
Are they good? and also do they make you drowsy? i'm at work at the moment and i don't want to start nodding off etc lol.
This time last wee i was not even thinking about my chest its only really been since late Friday i noticed indigestion like pain and because ive let it spiral, ive worked myself up, its tight again. The GP on sunday listened to it again and when i said i will ask my GP for a chest xray he said 'hmm i don't think your gp will give you one with a big grin on his face' which made me feel like a fool but again im still sat here thinking i might go walk in tonight...x

05-06-13, 11:55
Hi Shivmarie

I only take 2mg and they take around 10 minutes to start working and the effects depending on the persons size will normal last around 2-4 hours and at 2mg I have never had any drowsiness.

If my chest is all tight and heavy I just take one anytime of the day and they will just relax you so your muscles will get less tense and relieve the feeling. It took me months before I picked up the courage to take on but as soon as I did I felt beffer.

I myself have had heart related anxiety for 4 years and I have a mentor who lives is South Africa who has helped me overcome it and also I promised myself once I had a echocardiogram and if it was clear I would put that worry to bed and so far I have and that was 6 months ago.

I still get chest pains but I understand it is just anxiety related, Well most of it as I do have a chest injury as well and that is made worse when I tense up.

If you are interested I could pm you a transcript I have of my chats to my mentor it sounds like it could be helpful to you.
He himself suffers from anxiety.

Also remember Indigestion can mimic a heart attack as the same nerves that serve both the heart and the digestive tract send pain signal to the same area of the brain so we do mix them up easy.. It is just a case of learning to tell the difference.

This is coming from a man who has had 2 trips to A&E with suspected heart attack have had 2 treadmill ecgs, around 20 normal ecg, a 24 hour bp machine, and 1 echocardiogram also 2 mri's and 1 emg all in some way and form have had something to that relates to the heart.

But I have not visited my doctor in 6 months with a heart related anxiety attack.


05-06-13, 12:08
That sounds like youve came on alot Ace.
Yeah for me its plucking up the courage to take dazipam, im a little nervous and don't know what to expect but think surely this would not be the case of the gp prescribing me them if he thought they were of a risk to me, and i have had them before when i had a real bad shoulder tension.
Yes i'd appreciate if you could pm me that id find it useful.
I keep swallowing too much and keep watching my breathing which makes it worst i know x

05-06-13, 12:30
Hey Ace,

Any chance you could pm me a few snippets from your mentor. I'm really struggling at the moment with my heart anxiety.



05-06-13, 13:14
Of course my friend

It covers all aspects of my Anxiety and it is a great resource that I still read.

It will also give you a look into who I am (lol not a pretty picture).

If either of you find it useful.. Feel free to share it my mentor (who suffers from general anxiety and health anxiety) is fine with that the more people that we can help the better. It is a form of CBT but from a fellow sufferer so it is more personal.

He has sent me a follow up message that is like a top-up as to say..
