View Full Version : Restless hands anyone

02-10-06, 16:56
Recently as well as having restless legs when trying to sleep i get an uncontrolable urge to keep moving my hands too. I even put them under my pillow to try and stop it happening. Its usually one hand at a time.
Does anyone else gets this

thanks tracie


14-07-10, 14:21
Anyone?????? Now I'm worried x

14-07-10, 15:15
When I'm anxious, nervous or wound up I can't stop tapping/twitching my legs and feet. Not sure why kinda a distraction comfort thing. I am in control of it though so if I want to stop I can. Are you in control of it? When does it happen?

14-07-10, 22:46
Thanks so much for replying, it happens when my hands are still, a kind of burny, itchy sensation inside my hands and I have to move and stretch them to get relief.
I suffer with restless legs at night and its a similar feeling.
Sometimes i feel it in my arms too and have to put them down by my side as it feels like pins and needles are about to start( even though it doesnt).
I am thinking that its probably anxiety, as i have health anxiety and have been through a very stressful time lately.

Thanks again

german bean
14-07-10, 22:59
hi tracie i have had exactly that and done the same thing hands under the pillow it will go away but it drives u insane and u just dont know what to do with yourself. i know thats not much help to u but at least u know your not alone.