View Full Version : in fear of dying so much its taking over my life as a new mother

04-06-13, 01:36
Hey for the last month iv had a cough and chest pains went to dr got antibiotics haven't worked..its making me seriously depressed im terrified it's lung cancer and im gonna die and leave my baby son..im a single mother so dis seriously depresses me because he needs me in the past iv thought I hav a brain tumor and Parkinson's

04-06-13, 19:07
Hi sorry to hear your not feeling very well

04-06-13, 19:44
Hi There, you probably have a little bit of anxiety with the stress of being a single mother. I suffer anxiety & panic attacks and also it chest pains and sometimes a couch. It scares me a lot but I keep telling myself that it is just my thoughts and anxiety making me feel this way & the systems pass. I also get short of breath. Keep telling yourself that it is just systems, & keep thinking of your precious little boy that needs you more than anything. Have you talked to your doctor to let them know that the antibiotics have not worked and maybe they can run some more tests to reasure you that everything is all right. Hang in there things will get better and your little boy needs you more than anything.

05-06-13, 19:30
Hi tanks so much for replyin sorry to hear u suffer from anxiety it's not a nice thing at all...I use t feel a bit paranoid when I was sick I'd always think the worse but since iv had my son it's got alot worse.I also have a problem with googling my symptoms which is where I got the idea in the first place. Was actually at the doctors today and told him I still hav the cough he checked my chest and said it sounds clear an also said dat it's normal to have a cough for a while after a chest infection. He said if it still hasn't gone in a few weeks and im not happy he will send me for an x ray. Unfortunately dis had kind of made me worse ha im only twenty two so I kno when I say it to my family they tink it's ridiculous dat I tink I have lc but to me it's not I am also a smoker..d only way il n reassured dat im not dying is with a clear x ray which I hope to god it would b r if dis cough wud jus let up and go :( d worry is sort of takin over my life at the momen..anyway tanks again for ur reply and im wonderin if anyone else out Der has had these kind of symptoms but turned ou t b nothing...some reassurance maybe?