View Full Version : Anixety ( why )

04-06-13, 08:32
Please can anyone explain to me what causes anxiety ?i am trying to get my head around what has brought this on is it stress / depression / I think if I know the answer then I can begin to understand it , I have had anxiety for three months now and one month I had to have off work as it was so bad ,back at work now and living life from day to day the mornings are worse for me I wake with anxiety but by the afternoon it goes down and by the evening it almost goes completely anyone else like this thanks guys xx

04-06-13, 08:49
There is a large number of reasons why. It could be a part of your personality (Type A, Type B personality), it could be neurological, it could be hormonal, it could be a life event (or events), it could be a trauma. It is very hard to pin point exactly what anxiety is caused by, sometimes it's one of those things, sometimes it's a combination.

04-06-13, 11:31
As Rennie said it can be any number of contributing factors.

The anxiety symptoms themselves are caused by sensitized nerves and an exaggerated response of the nervous system (autonomic nervous system) to stress. Claire Weekes explains this well and you could check out one of her books.

She says that anxiety is caused by exhaustion to one or more of these four dimensions: physical fatigue, mental fatigue, emotional fatigue and spiritual fatigue. As all these systems are inter-linked you will likely have fatigue in most areas leading to sensitization.

By sensitization she means that your nerves are primed to react in an exaggerated way (like how 100m runners are poised to go at the starting line. Ready to react to the sound of the starting pistol.).

There will be of course contributing factors toward physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fatigue. These can be genetic (for instance there might be differences in cortisol uptake mechanisms or differences in the body's energetic process system), sudden or gradual stress, physiologic issues (such as vitamin deficiencies), and, importantly, underlying belief structures (eg "I am under threat").