View Full Version : Sensitivity to light etc

04-06-13, 08:56
I notice that some days, like yesterday-today, my sensitivity to light increases, so I see more easily the sparks - Scheerer's phenomenon - and the sunshine seems brighter... And of course retinal persistence/palinopsia is higher! Or maybe there's actually something different in the weather and I notice it more, I don't know.
It's so frustrating after I've been making real progress!
Rationally though I understand it's possible that these symptoms can sometimes get worse. The other night I hadn't slept very well (and tonight neither... I need my 8 hours of good sleep but I haven't slept that good in a long time).
Do other people with eye issues notice this?

04-06-13, 11:03
I do! In fact i logged on to here now as a just freaked out in the office (Quietly and to myself :-) because everything got really bright!....started to panic and calmed myself down. Kind of wish i could put on my sunglasses but i might get a few strange looks from my colleagues :-)

04-06-13, 13:43
I totally understand you. :)
Ugh, it's 3 pm and I can't step outside without seeing sparks in the sky, on the ground...