View Full Version : CBT aversion therapy

04-06-13, 11:04
Had my first session of this.....it was good.

Went into town and stood in some queues with my therapist. She made me focus on how my body was feeling when I felt grim. Focussing on my rubbery legs instead of trying to block the feelings out does actually help. It was like acceptance.

I was worried about fainting and being vulnerable. She was asking what's the worst that an happen....I said fainting...she asked if I wanted her to collapse in a heap in the shop to show me what happens!

I have to keep getting myself into these situations for a few days and score my anxiety.

She's had plenty of people worse than me that now cope perfectly well.

It's good.

04-06-13, 11:12
Hi Horace

Well done, that is progress indeed.

Can I ask, have you ever fainted due to having anxiety/panic attacks? The reason I ask is that I have actually fainted a few times and this is my brick wall! I am waiting for CBT on the NHS and at the moment I am having 6 sessions with a counsellor that my employer is paying for and I am doing graded exposure (on my own though - eek). Slowly it is getting easier, though I haven't tackled going into town yet..... Small steps eh?


04-06-13, 11:22
Hi Horace

Well done, that is progress indeed.

Can I ask, have you ever fainted due to having anxiety/panic attacks? The reason I ask is that I have actually fainted a few times and this is my brick wall! I am waiting for CBT on the NHS and at the moment I am having 6 sessions with a counsellor that my employer is paying for and I am doing graded exposure (on my own though - eek). Slowly it is getting easier, though I haven't tackled going into town yet..... Small steps eh?


I haven't actually fainted...I never stay around long enough because I get out! She has been showing my how to catch the early signs and talk myself down. I did find by talking about it and focussing on my body, it does actually make the anxiety subside. It's weird! I have to do a lot of work on my own but she tells me that CBT will fix me up....

Also she was saying that giving an anxious person medication is obviously going to make them anxious! Sensible really and I recommend trying this to anyone .