View Full Version : so upset

04-06-13, 12:12
hi just want to talk to some one as im 57 have let myself go the last few years my conviedence is rock bottom and yesterday i went to local shop and on the way back i passed a couple of school girls and when i passed them they shouted hey old lady you f-----g tramp i didnt say anything to them just carried on walking but ijust started to cry because of wat they said to meand ever since i cant stop thinking about wat they said to me , and now i just feel so bad about myself i keep thinking now that i am a trampand other people must think that when they see me because of the way i look , i havent got many clothes as ive lost alot of wieght since i got anxiety 7yrs agoand because of my money situation i cant afford to go out out and buy myself anthing as all my money goes on bills and food etc . i feel so stupid letting a comment from 2 silly young school girls really get to me as im a 57 yr old woman i should just of just let it go over my head but it has. does anxiety make you react to little things like that as its realy bothering me

04-06-13, 12:49
Yes- the last thing you need when you are feeling low is some horrible kids mouthing off at you - i do know where you are coming from hun- it has happened to me too - and it is so hurtful- but believe me- WHOEVER had walked past at that moment- they would have made a nasty comment (I am not excusing them) but it says more about them than it does about you , xxx

04-06-13, 14:19
Tricia, those are mean and horrible things to say to anybody. It is them who have a problem, putting other people down to make themselves feel better, they will probably regret it when they are older. Have you thought about telephone counselling to give you more confidence in yourself? NoPanic.org.uk offer a free group service and also one to one mentoring, if you need more privacy. You are not alone, most anxiety sufferers have low self esteem, myself included.x

04-06-13, 14:22
Those school kids were just down right cruel, if they were my children I would be so ashamed of them.

If it wasn't you it would of been the next person that they were horrible to, try not to let it upset you, which is easier said than done I know. I would of been upset if they had said it to me too. Put it behind you and next time you go out hold your head up high!


04-06-13, 17:28
Low self-esteem is very common in anxiety sufferers, as well as going over painful events and examining them from every angle. If you have lived with anxiety for years, you have dealt with a lot of things. You need to be kind with yourself. Imagine you were encountering another person who had been through what you had been through - would you think badly of them? Or would you feel kindly towards them, understanding that they had had a hard time of it, and didn't have the resources to look glamourous?

There is a lot of pressure to look a certain way in the world. I think we all crumple under it from time to time, especially women.

I hope you find the help you need, the counselling service mentioned above sounds good. All the best from me. <3

04-06-13, 19:33
"Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me."

I know it hurts but just remember that these stupid brats don't know you. They were probably trying to look 'hard' and 'cool' in front of their friends or being attention seeking. I used to get it all the time at school, I've had every name you could think of thrown at me and you literally just have to shrug it off. Your friends and family know you're a lovely person, so don't let what these kids put you down, otherwise they've won.

04-06-13, 19:36
hi thk you all very much for your support i feel alot better tonight after reading your replys so thk you all xxx pat

04-06-13, 19:43
"Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me."

I know it hurts but just remember that these stupid brats don't know you. They were probably trying to look 'hard' and 'cool' in front of their friends or being attention seeking. I used to get it all the time at school, I've had every name you could think of thrown at me and you literally just have to shrug it off. Your friends and family know you're a lovely person, so don't let what these kids put you down, otherwise they've won.

Same as me, 5 years of it! But yea to get to the point where it doesn't matter:D

04-06-13, 19:47
I worked in a secondary school and some of the kids (especially the girls) could be so cruel. I found a new female teacher in tears in the Ladies one day because of some hurtful comments some of the girls had made to her. Like others have said...they are the ones with the problems if they behave in this way. Ignore them, they would do it to anyone because sadly that is how they are.

04-06-13, 19:51
I'm 55 Tricia and feel old and ugly so I can empathise, I would be devastated if someone said that about me! I dress well though and manage to pick up nice things really cheaply at car boot sales, give it a go but you have to be up early to bag all the good stuff!

04-06-13, 19:59
Hi Patricia, I would treat them with the respect they deserve, rated it from 1 to 10 and give them either their IQ or the amount of brain cells they were sharing that day, erm how does 0 sound, about right I think.
I would report the incident to their school, you can do it anonymously but even if they cant pinpoint who did it they would know and maybe make them feel a little uncomfortable.
As for clothes they don't make the person inside I know but it can sometimes make you feel better about your self, could you afford thrift shop prices, they have some great clothes and boot sales are even better, I got a beautiful coat on Sunday for £3 it was from principles, I have no problem with second hand clothes, Freecycle is a great place to ask and I am sure they will have one in your local area, can I ask where abouts you live, just the geographic s.

04-06-13, 20:03
hi Tricia,

when your already feeling crap abou yourself i think age is a number and if someone whoever they are shout at you in the street it can be very very hurtful especially when your self esteem is low!!! My 11 year old daughter and words upset me and sometimes she starts banging round the house and then i shout and end up behaving like an 11 year old myself. So dont beat yourself up so much they are just kids - graanted - BUT as i said, when u already feel like crap it doesnt take much to send u over the edge.#


06-06-13, 09:51
hi just want to talk to some one as im 57 have let myself go the last few years my conviedence is rock bottom and yesterday i went to local shop and on the way back i passed a couple of school girls and when i passed them they shouted hey old lady you f-----g tramp i didnt say anything to them just carried on walking but ijust started to cry because of wat they said to meand ever since i cant stop thinking about wat they said to me , and now i just feel so bad about myself i keep thinking now that i am a trampand other people must think that when they see me because of the way i look , i havent got many clothes as ive lost alot of wieght since i got anxiety 7yrs agoand because of my money situation i cant afford to go out out and buy myself anthing as all my money goes on bills and food etc . i feel so stupid letting a comment from 2 silly young school girls really get to me as im a 57 yr old woman i should just of just let it go over my head but it has. does anxiety make you react to little things like that as its realy bothering me
hi i am 57 to and i to ave let my self go i ave suffed panic attacks anxiety and agraphobia the agraphobia is so bad now i dont even visit my daughter next door for more than 5minutes i run back round home as for the anxiety it weras me out to the point i have no energy to do anything with my self i keep my home cllean and tidy but thats it i struggle doing that as i am wore out my daughters have paid for me to have my hair done at home and for a few days i looked ok but then i think whats the point i am not going no were i spend most of my time in my dressing gown and slippers if you need to chat pm me or ring my home phone number would love to chat see if we can help each other pm me and i will give you my number take care trish