View Full Version : Can teens get ms??!!

04-06-13, 14:27
I was sitting in Spanish class just a couple minutes ago and I noticed that my elbow felt wet even though it wasn't.

The only reason ms came to mind when I felt that was because I read it in the sticky thread that talks about ms.

I haven't feared MS before but I have been fearing something neurologically wrong with me lately because of the feeling that inanimate objects are slightly moving and wiffs of random motion and motion sickness type feeling.

I don't know the symptoms of MS and I won't google it because that won't be pretty. Just the wet skin feeling on my elbow really scared me.

Is it rare for teens to get something like MS? Or something neurologically wrong with me? And I'm in math currently typing this as fast as I can so i apologize for all errors since this is on a smart phone.

05-06-13, 02:46
anyone help me for i go insane

05-06-13, 04:00
Hello again Clank, now dont start yourself on a new worry lol. You know how bad you were the other night and you were ok in the end werent you? All these symptoms are just the anxiety playing there silly games. If you are really worried see your doctor but my guess is that you are fine.

Yes it is rare for teens or anyone to get MS or any other neurological condition, think how many people you know and do you know many or anyone with something like that?

You should check out my threads from a few months back, I had all these symptoms and worries that you are having now and im ok so I bet you will be to.

Take care