View Full Version : Waiting for STI test results. Anxiety through the roof! Please help

04-06-13, 18:12
Hi everyone

You might remember me from a couple of years ago when I went through a really bad patch of anxiety and HIV fear. I had a test eventually and it came back negative.

Well, after being assaulted a month ago, I started going to a support centre and they offered me a full STI screen just as a precaution (nothing happened in my assault that warranted it but they thought they'd just do tests anyway as I was in the centre and it's part of their free services). I've been waiting a week for results and they were meant to call today. I've waited hours and haven't had a call. Just rang the centre and they said the nurse was out of the office but she'll call later. Still no call and I'm going absolutely crazy. Since my last test I've only had two partners - one is my current boyfriend and the other was a friend I slept with 2 and a half years ago. They used condoms everytime but one time with my friend the condom fell off half way through and he had to stop and put it back on :/ I'm terrified I might have picked something up that way.

Please respond. I'm so worried and my mind is just going round and round in circles :( I can't take this.

M xxx

---------- Post added at 16:29 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

...I also worry that my last HIV test could have been wrong :(

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

The receptionist called before the end of work and said as I have an appointment with the nurse tomorrow they could just give me the results then. I immediately thought that there must be a positive result if they wanted to give me the results in person and not over the phone!!! Freaked out on the phone and asked if there was a positive result and the receptionist said that the nurse was just very busy and that's why she hadnt rung but she'd try and put me through to her considering how worried I was. The nurse took my call and found my test results and they were all negative! So so so so relieved! I've been going mad thinking about it! I'd got myself in such a wild panic :/

I think it's safe to say my health anxiety has now officially returned from its holiday! Thankfully I'm going to see the centre about getting specialist sexual assault counselling tomorrow. Feel bad for having to interrupt the nurse but I would never would have been able to eat or sleep tonight or stop panicking if she hadn't have spoken to me!

M xxx

04-06-13, 18:15
I am pleased you have been able to get your results today and that they are negative. x

04-06-13, 18:45
Thanks Annie :) :) I'm so glad the nurse could speak to me! I would've been a total nervous wreck otherwise!

04-06-13, 19:01
It is awful when you have to wait for results, pleased you got it sorted...you can have a good nights sleep tonight :) x

04-06-13, 19:07
I know that you have the results and its great they are all clear, sorry to here you were assaulted as well, life can throw so much sh*t at us but my point is you survive, I know that this may sound daft but say the results had been positive for an STD, worse case scenario would be that you would have needed a dose of 2 types of antibiotic, job done.
What I am trying to let you see that even if the results hadn't been what you wanted you would still have dealt with it better than you would imagine.
Even if it had been aids, which thank god it is still rare to get you would have dealt with that as well.
The imagined illnesses are far harder to deal with than the reality, because we all fear the unknown x