View Full Version : acid reflux advice

04-06-13, 16:28
hi all,
i have what seems to be acid relux (undiagnosed just going from what my mum said it sounds like she is on daily meds for it)
just wanted it any nmp users had it, and can describe it in abit more detail.
Where the pain can radiate too etc at the minute my chest feels kinda heavy bare it in mind the gp checked it twice and said perfectly clear as is my heart but its really uncomfortable, its hurting my front, rib area and sometimes even my back and shoulder blades. Ive never really had heartburn or indigestion etc. I keep regurgitating i think is the word its like when something repeats on you like an 'almost burp' is that connected?

04-06-13, 17:10
I have incessant burping, feeling of fullness in my throat and upper chest, upper back pain, mid back pain, pain in my arms, upper chest pain, sometimes pain under my rib cage (like a gnawing, raw kind of pain), and sometimes I get nauseous from it. Sometimes I burp and food or water will come up (especially if I just ate or drank). We're still trying to figure out if it's all acid for me; some doctors feel it's gallbladder, some feel it's reflux. Have you tried ranitidine or Tums? (Or equivalents, depending on what meds are in your area) You can also try a heating pad on your chest and stomach, and chamomile tea. Those both help me a lot. :hugs:

04-06-13, 17:58
Thanks so much for the reply, the pain sounds very similar to me. This aside I'm eating fine, sleeping fine, no temp or anything.how do they diagnose it as reflux, I've had this for years on and off but never ever knew what t was I just let it pass but it's been going on since Friday. I sleep with hot water bottle against my chest, trying to avoid hot/fatty foods. Ill try tums, as I bought gaviscon and hasn't touched it :-( x

04-06-13, 18:22
Many doctors suspect reflux and then try medication like omeprazole to see if that takes it away after a few weeks or a month (then they take it from there if it doesn't work). They can also do tests like the 24hr pH test, where they put probes in your esophagus to see how often the acid is coming up. But in my experience, doctors prefer to check symptoms and then try medications. :)

04-06-13, 18:32
Ah right, yes my mum is on that medication, has been for many years now as she gets it terrible. Bringing up acid is it like clear stuff? As I've had alot of that coming up. I've booked an appointment with my GP so hopefully he can shed some light on it