View Full Version : Terrifying palps episode

04-06-13, 20:06
I'd been feeling awful and had a horrible taste in my mouth all day. I blacked out for a second and fell over in a and e, though the staff didn't seem concerned. Later that night I was lying there trying to ignore how weak I felt and this awful ache in my lower face, left shoulder and arm. Next thing I felt this strange buzzing in my chest and whole body for a second, and then instantly my heart started POUNDING and racing. Like in a split second. My breathing was having no effect on it, and I desperately got my boyfriend to call an ambulance. It felt like someone had replaced my heart with a huge drum I had no control over.

Eventually it went back to normal and apparently it wasn't a heart attack, but my god it was terrifying. I'd only had that particular sensation once before, again preceded by the pains and feeling weird. Anyone else had this awful instant pounding? Weirdly it seemed to get rid of the pain, even when I was checking for it, which then came back when my heart rate went back to normal. It seemed really like svt, and I'm scared that weird buzzing beforehand might have been ventricular tachycardia or something :weep:

Could it really just have been a severe panic attack? Anyone else had instantaneous pounding like that?

04-06-13, 20:14
Yes and it was like you at night and scared the crap out of me(excuse language) I think that palps are the worst symptom of this illness, without them we would be fine I think.

06-06-13, 20:29
Thanks for replying; sometimes the sensations are so severe it's hard to think they aren't dangerous.