View Full Version : 'Anxiety Pains' before anxiety appeared.

04-06-13, 21:05
I am now starting to accept that my pains and twinges etc are caused by my Anxiety. I do however, get a particular pain that I remember having years ago (although not quite as often as now and it didn't scare me then).
It is a very mild pain behind my left breast. I used to think it was actually in my heart but was told actual heart pain would be in the centre. I also mentioned it to my doctor and he wasn't concerned.
I am coping a lot better (anxiety wise) but it worries me a little as I had this pain long before I had any panic attacks etc, although it certainly was less often.
Do you think this is normal? Not that I don't trust my doctor just I like to hear from people with similar experiences.
Why is it that I am convinced it is my heart when it is on the left hand side behind my breast (definitely not in my breast, although I do get twinges in them too).