View Full Version : Panicky, lonely and claustrophobic in new tiny flat

04-06-13, 21:36

In Leicester had never lived alone, the first time I've moved and signed a 6 month contract and I've never felt so isolated and alone. Constantly feeling panicky and teary and a strange feeling of being claustrophobic. This panic feeling is exhausting. Any advice would be great. :doh:

04-06-13, 21:57
Concentrate on positives of your new place, don't tell yourself negative things, it's the negatives that are making you anxious. Make some phone calls, distract youself.
See it as exciting having your own place!

04-06-13, 22:03
hi, thanks for the reply, distraction has definitely helped, especially watching comedies. This panic feeling is truly dreadful, I feel as if all 4 walls are closing in on me. I can truly understand what is meant by a panic attack now. The tears have done nothing but given me dreadful headaches. Have stopped trying to control the panic as I never win :yesyes:

04-06-13, 22:16
I don't panic anymore, I feel anxious at times, but I don't let it escalate.
My view has always been, you have an attack, and then you panic....as in, the anxious feeling creeps up on you, and then you panic.
I'm alone tonight, lucky for me in a big house, although bigger the house, more to lock up before bed! And I've got my 2 big dogs for company, although they're asleep somewhere outside!