View Full Version : Mini success story

04-06-13, 21:41
I have a mini success story and hopefully the start of many more to come! Well i went to a training course at work today (one of my feared situations) and i was absalutely great!!! didnt feel anxiety and was able to cope for the full 4 hours!!
This is a major achievement for me and i felt on top of the world after it!! i hope this continues!!!

04-06-13, 21:53
You'll have good days and then bad.. Thing is not to dwell on the bad..
Well done today .

04-06-13, 21:54
Well done Ladymillion :)

04-06-13, 21:59
Thanks guys!! Felt amazing i actually felt...normal again lol xxx

04-06-13, 23:05
Well done Ladymiliion and long may it continue. x

05-06-13, 07:20
I hope so!!

05-06-13, 10:39
Well done, that is a major achievement :D

23-06-13, 21:08
I just spotted this lady million..... U did really well...... And I am looking forward to hearing about other successes you may also have! Meanwhile make sure u bask in the sense of achievement because u deserve it!!