View Full Version : Will I get depressed?

04-06-13, 23:59

So near the beginning of this year, i made a lovely new friend. I later found out that she self-harmed, has anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, and is suicidal. We've been able to work through it together and she's doing much better. I know that a few of my other friends are depressed and suicidal, or have been at some point this year. Recently, i found out another one of my friends is, and she has been keeping it inside for half the year. I'm definitely willing to help, just like with my other friends! I'm just wondering if I'm more susceptible to depression because of all this. I'm a really sensitive person, but i put my feelings aside for my friends. They don't know this, but it really affects me to see them in so much pain. It's so hard to see them so upset and for me to be happy.

05-06-13, 00:06
You need to balance the time you spend with the friends who need your help, with friends that nurture you too... Being around depressed people can drag you down... It's great you care and help them, but enjoy yourself too, you'll be better placed to help those in need if you keep yourself mentally healthy and happy.. And don't feel bad for being happy, having suffered depression myself, it's good to be around happy people., so no need to feel guilty for being happy.

05-06-13, 04:45
Thanks for the advice. :D i really appreciate it.