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05-06-13, 00:13

I had my first smear test and the results came back with mild dyskaryosis and high risk HPV. I have to have a Colposcopy but I am SO SCARED.

I don't like hospitals at all and I had a panic attack and fainted when I had my smear test. I don't know how I will act at the hospital and I am scared of what the results will be.

I really could do with some advice or other peoples experiences of a colposcopy?

Thank you :weep:

05-06-13, 00:37
Hello there :)

Firstly please don't be frightened, you have NOT got cancer :)

I had moderate dyskaryosis and tested positive for HPV.

The cell changes that they are talking about are NOT cancer, that is the most important thing for you to remember, neither does it mean that you will ever get cancer of the cervix :)

What we've had are some cell changes that may or may not, if left untreated, and over a vast period of time, become cancerous.

A lot of the time, these cell changes can sometimes correct themselves if left alone, but as we, nor the doctors know whether that will happen or not, it is far better to have a Colposcopy and then, if needed, carry out any treatment at that point :)

A colposcopy is not painful. You just lie on a gynea bed with your feet in the stirrups and the specialist will have a look at your cervix using a special camera, the camera does not go inside you at all so please don't worry about that, the specialist will use a speculum, just like you had done with your smear test, so that they can see your cervix clearly :)

There will be a nurse in the room with you and she will chat with you and help you to relax.

It will depend on what the specialist decides as to whether they will want to treat your cervix or not, and none of us know that until the colposcopy is carried out.

I did have treatment on mine and at the very worse, it was mildly uncomfortable, but nothing dreadful and I coped with it just fine, and believe me I'm the biggest baby when it comes to pain :roflmao:

You could always go and see your GP and have them explain to you what will happen just to put your mind at rest :)

But it's NOT cancer and it's easily put right, I've never had any problems since my colposcopy and treatment at all, and my smears always come back negative and my cervix is perfectly healthy :)

You'll be just fine hun :hugs:

05-06-13, 19:24

I'm the same as Aunty Moosie - had many colposcopies for abnormal cells on the cervix. I had my treatment under general as mine was quite bad, but it was absolutely fine. Colposcopies are a walk in the park.. sometimes there's a picture on the ceiling above the couch - helps take your mind off it. If they don't have one maybe suggest it?! At one clinic I went to it was of a tropical island and I just day-dreamed about being on the beach! If you are anxious tell them and they will understand.

I have a colposcopy on friday as well.

all the best. x

05-06-13, 19:30
Yes I'm with ya there! I to have had the same thing and feared the wrose! Don't worry about it like everyone has said it's all true. Try and relax!

05-06-13, 19:49
I had one 16 yrs ago, so I'm sure they've changed or advanced since then..

06-06-13, 09:44
Thank you so much for your advice everyone! It's definitely put my mind at rest a bit now!!

I think part of the problem is that it wasn't explained to me properly, so when I received a letter to say I needed a Colposcopy I thought it meant I had cancer!

Hopefully I will be fine now though and I also hope they have a nice picture on the ceiling for me to look at!! :)

06-06-13, 10:20
When I had mine, you could watch them do the procedure on tv screen.....I declined...

07-06-13, 01:04
Stormsky I had the same as you, I could have watched the whole process on a screen which was to the right of my bed, I did have a look at my cervix but once the treatment started I too declined and decided that ignorance was pure bliss!!! :roflmao:

09-06-13, 19:17
Yeah, don't look at the screen... and decline to look at any photos. I had a colposcopy on Friday and saw something out of the corner of my eye on the screen that I really didn't want to see... thing is it looks worse than it is because they magnify it and put black iodine on. Didn't hurt at all though even the biopsies.
