View Full Version : Chest Pains Due to Anxiety

05-06-13, 01:22
Does anyone else get this? It scares me because it's pretty much a daily thing for me. It's not a really "sharp" pain it's more like an uncomfortable and annoying pain right where my heart is.

It worries me every time it happens because it makes me feel like something is seriously wrong with my heart, but I know for a fact that I had a check up at the doctors a few months ago and she said I was perfectly healthy. Now, I haven't had any tests done on me specifically for the heart, but I'm almost positive that this is due to my anxiety (I have general and social anxiety).

Again, does anyone else experience this? It would be reassuring to know that I'm not the only one. This is one of my main symptoms that brings me down most, it's very upsetting.

05-06-13, 08:13
Hi chillpill,

I get this a lot. It starts with discomfort in my left arm and armpit. This is annoying and uncomfortable, but when it starts across my chest, left side towards nipple, I get the butterflies. Then my heart rate goes up and my arm feels numb.

Occasionally I then start to sweat and get a bit light headed. I will either manage to stop a full panic attack by distraction, but more often than not, I go into full panic mode. This will last for a few mins.

Hate it, but I have had my heart checked and my GP says it is anxiety.

05-06-13, 11:22
Yep mine is more of a pain under the breatbone etc aswell as the chest feeling heavy and tight, but like you ive had tests, and even an ecg of the heart which was fine (all very recent, end of april), ive been anxious and since friday its happened on and off and i am trying to tell myself its anxiety butits hard x

10-06-13, 17:23
Thanks for responding you two, I really appreciate it.

Sometimes it happens right on my breast, beside it (left side), or under it. It's very worrisome.

10-06-13, 20:48
I get that a lot, plus a whole lot of other worrying heart-type pains. My anxiety isn't helped by the fact that i do have heart rate issues atm, and have had weird pains when I run all my life. But I've had ekgs when I've been getting icky feelings, and docs didn't see any signs of anything odd, plus apparently my heart is structurally normal and the arteries are clear, so...I try not to freak out. My chest is very sore to touch and sometimes the pains are affected by breathing, which reassures me a bit.

I'm a chronic hyperventilater, and that really does a number on your chest. Don't ask me why it tends to be more the left side, but chest wall pain often is for some reason. Just to worry us maybe.

10-06-13, 21:35
Ow I get them all-the-flippin'-time! I've had two ECGs just to make sure my ticker is OK, and thankfully it is. They don't worry me anymore because I know it's caused by anxiety, they're just annoying and uncomfortable, and it's muscular pain rather than my heart. The worst I get is when I breathe in and a sharp pain goes through my heart, makes you clutch your chest.