View Full Version : My doctor ?

05-06-13, 02:58
I had panic attacks a few years back for about a month straight, and then they stopped.
Then about 5 month ago out of the blue i felt i was dying, all the usual common panic attack symptoms but because i hadn't had an attack in years i forgot about the feeling, and led myself into an awful experience.

Anyway since then my attacks are pretty mild during the day (everyday) but i have at least one full blown panic attack at night and if its not full blown its damn close. So i keep going to my Doctor ( about 5 times) and all he is saying is

"if you overcome them before you will do it again, i will prescribe you with reassurance, you are not going to die, i am not going to give you any drugs that you will be addicted to and one day rely on"..

is this right? im not a fan of drugs but as i feel latly i think i need them, i feel i will just pop at any given moment.. should he be helping me more or is this the right way to help me in the long run?

Also sorry for the long badly punctuated post :blush:

05-06-13, 03:48
Id say its a good way for the doctor to be dealing with your situation at the moment. A lot of doctors these days will just throw anti depressants at you without much thought but it is good your doctor actually cares for you and doesnt want to send you down the route of medication straight away. He probably feels you can recover and get over this without meds but only you know how you truly feel.

If you feel you can carry on the way you are now and want to try and get back to normal yourself without medication then that is the best way but if you start to feel it is seriously affecting your life every day and you don't see yourself getting better then medication may be an option and im sure your doctor will help you with that if you ask. It would be good if he maybe suggested some CBT or therapy, maybe ask about that and you could give that a go before medication, although the waiting lists are usually very long.

It really depends how you are feeling, if you are really going through non stop severe anxiety hell everyday then he needs to be doing a little more and suggesting things other than just sending you away telling you your not going to die. But I do think he is just trying to help you not dwell on the anxiety and start down the spiral or medication, counseling, trying different anti-depressants etc, he wants you to try the natural way first.

Hope things start to improve for you soon :)

06-06-13, 02:19
Thanks alot i will take your advice and try to do it without.. and go to see the doc only if it stays really really unbearable thanks