View Full Version : Just had a panic attack - I'm now scared

05-06-13, 03:23
Hi everyone, I'm new.

I don't generally suffer with panic attacks, I have had a couple whilst flying as I hate flying but I've never had one on the ground until now.

I have just had a huge panic attack and it came out of nowhere. I was getting into bed and all of a sudden I felt light headed and dizzy, then my breathing went erratic and my hands and arms were numb and tingling like mad. I was absolutely terrified. I ended up calling an ambulance as I was on my own and after 20 minutes it wasn't coming to an end. The paramedics were lovely and calmed me down, did some tests (blood sugars/blood pressure etc) and all was normal so they put it down to a panic attack.

I am petrified. I'm on my own right now and I am so worried about having another one. It makes it worse that I'm on my own.

I can't sleep at all because I'm worried about it all now.

I have a question - do you faint whilst you have a panic attack? I haven't but that's what I'm most scared of.

05-06-13, 03:32
Sorry to hear it, its horrible but at least its just a panic attack, they can't actually hurt you there just abit scary.
And sorry but i dont know about fainting but fainting isnt dangerous anyway.. just sit somewhere comfortable and watch tv or do something that you enjoy in the house, if its a case of relaxing try this

youtube.c om/watch?v=fLwGl0SFnVg without the space..

It seems abit creepy and stuff but talks you through relaxing yourself and your muscles.. really helps me but may not help you :)
Hope you feel better soon, it will eventually just pass :)

05-06-13, 03:34
Thank you for your quick reply.

Yes I am going to find some relaxing techniques. I hate the aftermath of an attack too, I just feel like it's going to happen all over again. It takes me a good hour to properly calm down.

05-06-13, 03:36
Yeah its never fun, i have them every night and only at night its a pain, cant ever sleep till about 7am, anyway hope you find something that helps you get over it

05-06-13, 03:48
I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight.

How do you cope with yours? Do you have any breathing/relaxing techniques you carry out?

05-06-13, 05:20
youtube .com/watch?v=fLwGl0SFnVg

i do that, seems to help sometimes and generally i just try to occupy myself with tv or on the laptop, some people try to read, go for walks.. everyone has different things to calm them down really. all you can do is look for some suggestions on the internet or on here and once you find something that calms/relax's you a bit keep doing it.
Sorry to hear your still having trouble with it.