View Full Version : Tongue white spot

05-06-13, 07:26
I've had this spot on my tongue for awhile and I can't brush it off nor does it bother me . Of course I Googled things and have scared the hell out of myself. I'll post a picture and I keep praying it's nothing serious

Remove the space between the. Com it wouldn't let me paste images

tinypic. com/r/1fd9id/5

05-06-13, 10:03
I've got this on either side of my tongue, no pain, and has been there since last monday :(

05-06-13, 10:46
Is it smooth, not raised and kinda cut into sections line a hash tag? I can't find anything online about it, besides scaring myself to death.. Google is my worst enemy.

Maybe post a pic?

---------- Post added at 09:46 ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 ----------

Mines been on the top of my tongue for awhile. Maybe 8 months and hasn't grown or changed.

05-06-13, 11:05
i will post a pic when im home, but its really strange, i showed the gp at the out of hours place and he said it will pass, but with a sore throat and tight chest etc im freaking out.
It literally just appeared out of nowhere.

05-06-13, 22:08
Bump... No one has any idea if this is normal or serious

05-06-13, 22:35
I've had something similar on and off for years. I checked it with my GP at one stage and he wasn't concerned. As with all these things, it's just worth keeping an eye on and if it gets worse, go back to the doc's.

Over the years I've realised that if I visited my GP every time I found a lump or bump, I'd never be out of the surgery. Anxiety just makes us notice things that most people would ignore. That's not to say not to remain vigilant, just try not to jump to the worst conclusion each time. Easier said than done though, I know.


09-06-13, 08:45
Thanks for the reply. I just worry its something bad but it hasn't changed or cause me any pain since I've noticed it. I think Google just scared me to death. Its just weird that I have this white spot there

11-09-13, 10:02

Re trying this thread. The spot is still there and no pain or soreness from it. I'm not sure what to think. I Googled things and scared myself to death. So I'm staying away from that and hoping someone here might have an idea

11-09-13, 10:14
It could be a form of Glossitis.

There's numerous causes, types and treatments. If it's been caused by an infection antibiotics or anti-fungal medication should work. If it's not bacterial then you can get the steroid prednisone in a mouth wash to help with any inflammation. Your GP should be able to take a swab and send it off for culture to see if it's a bacterial cause, normally takes a few days for the results to come back.

17-09-13, 08:27
i really dont know if its that, the last steroid type med i had taken was back maybe 2-3 years ago which was something for treating a 2nd time incident where i had mono

17-09-13, 15:33
Anything like what you describe that doesn't go away, change or worsens within a 2-3 week period should be looked at by a doctor or qualified ENT.

One cannot diagnose via a photograph or symptoms on the web.

18-09-13, 05:43
i agree fishmanpa its been there for almost a year and it could of been longer i really never payed attention to my tongue. i notice its got a white coat over it but i started googling and that never turns out good. the one thing i did find is that the location of where its at seems to be connected with stomach issues which i do have. i think i am gluten intolerant. when i was younger i had an allergy test where they pricked my with 40+ things and i was allergic to everyone of them besides food. well now that im 23 i think my stomachs changed and ive been having issues with it my whole life. we have a family history with stomach issues and no ones really figured anything out besides bad nerves or ibs.

21-09-13, 12:52
no one has any idea what this could be? im googeling again and its leading me no where.

---------- Post added at 11:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

also i found this

which seems like it be in the same spot as the gallbladder?
i went to the doctors before for a stomach pain which was to the right of my belly button and she pushed down on it and sent me to the hospital to get a ultra sound but nothing showed up that was unusual for my liver/gallbladder area. She left me hanging with the idea to go to the gastro doc or get the hida scan which i may look into. I've been thinking my stomach has been on the fritz from eating gluten. We have a family history of bad guts and nerves, I think i may be continuing the streak in my blood line. I do have bad anxiety which could be linked to gluten.

---------- Post added at 11:52 ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 ----------

this is an updated pic of my tongue.. still looks the same and this is also after brushing and taken with a camera flash. its normally not as white as this with day light and natural lighting

10-09-14, 15:05
Just to say I've had this worry... One white spot on my tongue... Been there for 8-12 months, been to the docs this morning and it's absolutely nothing to worry about... So relieved... Two weeks I wasted in such an anxious state!!!

10-09-14, 15:38
Start ur owm thread its so old.