View Full Version : Im so dizzy my head is spinning like a whirl wind it never ends

05-06-13, 16:15
And my title is exactly how i feel day in day out.
So dizzy all the time been to the doctors 4 times about it and each time its could be allergies ie: Hayfever or an ear problem which ive had antibiotics for but still no joy i keep thinking is it in my head is it panic or is there truely something wrong!
Driving me mad just wanna get on with my life but feel constantly off balance arghhhh

05-06-13, 16:16
I had dizziness on and off for 2 years and it was anxiety.

Correct breathing may help alleviate it

05-06-13, 16:18
Are you on meds? As they cause it..
Im not on meds, but I have really low blood pressure, so I feel light headed a lot. Maybe get yours checked.

05-06-13, 16:21
Ive had my blood pressure, blood sugars and everything else checked and nothing.
I am on sertraline but bin on them a while now and they have really helped me i have even managed to start working again and nt been at all bothered.
Been working 3 minths now so i know its not that and doctor keeps fobbing me off with hayfever

05-06-13, 16:24
I was on meds for years, they are sedatives, so I felt dizzy all the time.

05-06-13, 16:33
Is it like a vertigo sensation? I've had really intense, nonstop vertigo since Monday evening. Haven't been to the doc yet because I can barely get out of bed without toppling over. Have they tried the Epley maneuver on you? Apparently it helps a lot, some people also get a brief round of steroids or take something like Sudafed if it's fluid in the inner ear. But I'm guessing docs would have seen that when they did exams.

Hope you feel better soon!

05-06-13, 16:33
Do try the abdominal breathing see if that helps

05-06-13, 18:00
Good song choice! Being dizzy with anxiety is very very common I once went to the hospital cause I was so worried about it. The doctor who treated me and when I say treated me I mean he sat and talked with me about all my problems really took the time to listen to me and told me dizzy was normal. Don't worry about being dizzy, and it will go away. Hope this helps you.:hugs: