View Full Version : Hay fever or cold?

05-06-13, 16:48
Have had a mild sore throat for the past few details accompanied by a slightly blocked nose and slightly sore eyes. It's very unusual for me to have a cold this time of year. Also, it doesn't feel like a cold cold, if that makes sense? I don't have that horrid weak, sick feeling like when you have a proper cold. I have never suffered from hay fever before, but have considered that this may be a possibility... Can you get this all of a sudden in your life? I'm almost 30 and have never had this before. Has anybody else experienced this? Thanks. :)

05-06-13, 16:51
I am 70 now and for the first time last year had hayfever, ie runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and blocked ears. So far this year have the runny nose and blocked ears and sneezing. So I am presuming you can get it at any time of life.

05-06-13, 16:55
I guess then it is possible. :) I just feel slightly thrown, as I normally feel well this time of year and I really dislike sore throats.... :)

05-06-13, 16:58
My mum suddenly developed hayfever in her 50s, having never had it before. She gets it only for a couple of weeks, and thinks she's allergic to maybe one particular type of pollen, rather than just all pollen.

You could maybe try taking some allergy medicine and see if that helps.

05-06-13, 18:25
I never had any problems with hay fever in my childhood, teens or 20s. I'm in my early 30s now and I have sinus problems n headaches every year. They start in spring each time....the doctor thinks its hayfever and there is a clear yearly pattern to it. Grass pollen is worst...when the grass has been cut I am sneezing like mad. I grew up in a house next to a load of fields and it never used to affect me. So, yes it can start when you're an adult.