View Full Version : Does this mean anything?

05-06-13, 18:11
I have just told my 3 year old son off and he has turned round and said to me 'go away to heaven' :( do you think he knows something bad is going to happen to me or does he not know what he is saying? Just when I was starting to feel better and more positive :weep:

05-06-13, 18:16
No, kids when hurt they will lash out and nobody knows when your time is up. Your probably superstitious? I know I am but I'd just shake it off and it means nothing. Don't worry about it.:hugs:

05-06-13, 18:21
Cant children be little darlings, I had/have 5 all grown up now but I know they can be naturally gifted at saying the wrong thing, I can remember when my 2cnd was about 4 he asked his Grandma if she was going to heaven on Saturday, scared the crap out of her, she was about 50 then and died 4 years ago at the ripe old age of 89, I bet she never forgot it either, by the way she died on a Wednesday, just forget it, I am sure your son was just trying to hurt you, even at that young age they can have a nasty streak x

05-06-13, 18:32
It sounds like he was cross with you for telling him off. I doubt he realised what he was saying, but I'm not surprised you found it hurtful! It doesn't mean anything bad is going to happen to you though, kids do say stuff like this when they are feeling stroppy.

05-06-13, 19:59
Like others have said it had no meaning at all it was just his way of reacting to being told off.

05-06-13, 20:05
I agree with others. Ages ago my daughter said she saw a green monster in the corner of the room (I know it's not the same), I was genuinely unnerved. Later on she told me she was joking! They're crazy.
On the bright side, at least he didn't say he'll ;-)

05-06-13, 20:05
If he had said it to someone else, ie a non Anx sufferer, they wouldn't have thought anything of it, so like others have said, it's just one of the many strange things 3yr olds come out with.. And your only reading into it because of your Anx.

05-06-13, 20:06

05-06-13, 20:07
That struck a giggle cord...lol

05-06-13, 20:22
I've had little kids say the creepiest, seemingly most prophetic things to me and to the people around me. Nothing ever came of it. ;) When questioning them later, they often forget they even said it. :hugs:

05-06-13, 20:57
I have just told my 3 year old son off and he has turned round and said to me 'go away to heaven' :( do you think he knows something bad is going to happen to me or does he not know what he is saying? Just when I was starting to feel better and more positive :weep:

Has he heard someone else say "they've gone away to heaven'' or something? If anything he probably thinks it just means the same as "go away". :)

05-06-13, 21:10
Thank you all for your replies, I've just been feeling so much better lately and I feel like I'm waiting for something to trigger the horrible thoughts again, and that was it today :hugs: