View Full Version : I bought the Dr Claire Weeks book...and WOW!

Stress head Rach
02-10-06, 20:29
Well I took advice on buying the book "Self Help for your nerves by Dr Claire Weeks" and I cannot believe how much it has helped me... the heart thing ...fast pulse .. flutters... thudding/pounding heart... she explains it all.... it IS harmless... she explains how are heart becomes ultra sensitive to its beats when we are experiencing stress and even after having ONE panic attack it can start the cycle ..fear...adrenaline.. she says it cannot harm your heart!..... I need to express so deeply to people on here who worry about thier heart to buy this book WHENWILLTHISEND ... you must buy it!... It is as if when u are reading it she is said with her arm around you explaining the syptoms ! All these yrs I have wasted hoovering over my pulse and worrying and centering on every beat... I still am !! will take time but I can say will honesty I feel a bit better.
I got the book from eBay for 99p... here are some links....
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dr-Claire-Weekes-Self-Help-for-your-Nerves_W0QQitemZ290034235844QQihZ019QQcategoryZ101 056QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SELF-HELP-FOR-YOUR-NERVES-WORLD-BESTSELLER-HB-DW_W0QQitemZ120037871468QQihZ002QQcategoryZ101056Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Hope this helps... or try amazon

02-10-06, 20:45
hi there, i have had this book and another one of hers..."more help for your nerves", i think it is called-i have had them months and they are my "bibles"....she explains every symptom so well....i wish though i could take her advice and accept my symptoms-but i cant yet.........every night i read a little bit of her books...even though i have read them back to front loads..
im sure every one on here agrees-her books are very good-
my cbt therapist didnt like her books though-i cant understand why....although i think he was a plonker anyway...im getting a new therapist soon!
take carex

Stress head Rach
02-10-06, 21:00
Well u keep reading babes..... Cos I feel 4 U .... listen to this... 10 yrs ago I had an iregular heartbeat for 2 yrs due to stress.. it flip flopped in my chest for all that time... and then it righted itself... I still get bouts... but I am still here.... still worrying LOL!!! If ever u want to chat 1 2 1 let me know!

02-10-06, 21:23
I found her books very helpful. For the first time I felt like there was someone who understood what it felt like to be paralysed with anxiety. They are not a complete solution or an instant cure, however, but they are a good place to start. I found the explanation of the physical symptoms of anxiety very reassuring too. It seems obvious that anxiety (she calls it fear usually) causes adreneline which in turn causes the physical symptoms, which in turn causes more anxiety - a vicious cycle of panic - but Claire Weekes explains it so well.

If they have any weakness it is perhaps that they sound a little dated at times, but they were written a while ago, and it didn't detract from the overall impact for me.

I have found other books useful - D.Burns "The New Mood Therapy" (more for depression I felt) and "Anxiety and Phobia Handbook" (forget the authors' names at the moment) both had useful exercises to help overcome negative thinking, which is my main problem. They are CBT books and although useful, I felt that you had to be in a certain frame of mind to use them. One of the exercises is to write down how you feel and write then a rational response - I found this helpful when I was panicking about my health.

I am planning to get Sam Obitz "Been There, Done That... Do This" from the US at some point - it is unavailable over here. I want to know what tea forms are!

I do think that if you read Claire Weekes carefully you can actually see the beginnings of CBT long before it was even called that. She talks about being "bluffed by your nerves" - a similar idea to CBT's idea that thoughts are not real events. I think one of her most valuable concepts is not to fight your anxiety, but to let it wash over you.

Yep, when you are in a state of paralysing, logic-gone-out-the-window anxiety you cannot beat Claire Weekes. WH Smith often stock "Self Help for Your Nerves" or you can order it from their web site and have it delivered free to your local WHS.

03-10-06, 08:53
I recently got the book too and really rate it highly. I am trying to put into practise what is suggested in it although thats sometimes easier said than done. I went through mine on about the 3rd read and just highlighted the bits that made me feel positive, the whole way through the book. Also the bits in another colour that reminded me I wasnt going mad and this was a horrible path made merely of thoughts that others had followed before me. I sometimes re read those bits before I go out or if I am feeling flustrered.

03-10-06, 09:29
hi there

ive read both books mentioned and they are so helpful, by following her techniques I am able to go out and am slowly getting my life back. it is not a cure, that comes from within i think, but knowledge is power!!! i truely believe that. with the help of meds and positive thinking, and understanding my condition, i feel i will recover. claire weekes deserves sainthood!! lol. she understands the mind of the anxiety sufferer so well. if anyone reading this hasnt read her books, please give her a go, there is no one who will understand you quite like she does.
happy reading people :D

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

expecto patronum
03-10-06, 11:31
does anyone know if any of her books explain the symptoms of constant (as opposed to periodic) dizziness, and visual disturbances?

03-10-06, 12:47
If you get on with her books I'd STRONGLY recommend getting her audio tapes. It sinks in even more hearing her explain things and is very confidence inspiring.

Megs CD course from here is a fantastic modern day alternative for those that find Claires style dated and another option that I would highly recommend.

Trev :D

Stress head Rach
13-10-06, 22:28
Thanks for that.... back on ebay then..

14-10-06, 15:01
I have just bought Dr Weekes book today. I've read the first seven chapters and I actually feel a good deal better than I have done for ages.

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

17-10-06, 04:41
Hello Stress Head Rach,

I have been the biggest fan of Claire Weekes since my anxiety problem started 25 years ago
A friend's friend recommended them to me and I am forever grateful
They are near my bed and in my tote bag at all times. If and when I travel they are with me
By today's standards, they may be considered outdated and simple but I think their homeyness and tone is excellent.
To answer the poster, Rossie'd , question- yes, Weekes does have segments in her books on light headedness and visual disturbances
Frankly I have had most of the symps she writes of although of late the most predominant and bothersome are the skipped beats
My fave books of hers are Hope and Help for your Nerves and peace from Nervous Suffering- how correct she is, it IS suffering, indeed!
Another poster mentioned another good book- The Anxiety and Phobia handbook- she couldnt recall the author- the author is Edmound Bourne- and yes, that is a great book too but different in tone then Weekes.
I also have a book- The Feeling Good Handbook- David D. Burns, MD which I also like very much
Wishing you a peaceful week



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

17-10-06, 10:39
Hello all,

Could anybody tell me if the Claire Weeks book has anything on the frequent urination?


17-10-06, 11:11
hi rach thanks for that im going on e bay now heard about these books before and you definatly sold it to me thanks

17-10-06, 19:41
If you are interested in using CBT to help with anxiety, I found this site had some useful info. I recommend downloading the free handouts and doing the exercises.


It is very similar to the exercises in the David Burns book, "Feeling Good: the New Mood Therapy".

I also found it useful to print off and keep these coping statements to read when I felt very anxious:


Actually, the whole Anxiety Network site is worth a good read.