View Full Version : Back in business

05-06-13, 19:14
Hi every one,

First of all, sorry if my English is not perfect but I am not a native speaker (Hungary, if any one interested).

My first anxiety attack happened back in 1999. Quite a time, isn't it? I was suffering for a year until I came to know what my "problem" was.

I visited several psychiatrists, attended many-many courses before I found my current shrink. She (no name mentioned!) made me addicted to drugs. I have been taking medication (SSRI: Cipralex, which, I think, runs under the name of Citalopram in the UK, and benzos) and in the last 14 years. For a while they worked fine, dozes were low. However, as time passed, I had to increase the number of pills to be able to cope with work, family, life in general. A couple of years ago I decided that I would not increase medication any more and stopped taking drugs over a certain level.

I was OK up until last week, when all of a sudden a panic attack grabbed me in a typical "must avoid" situation (sitting in a barber's chair, no escape, mate :-) ). Since then I am scared to death that the "good old times" are back.

The reason I signed in to this forum is that I try to find a new medication (SSRI), I may not have knowledge yet. Hope to find one, and I also wish to leave benzos forever before they make me totally retarded.

I guess I will not be an easy case because - prior to finding Citalopram - I tried at least a dozen other SSRI-s, which did not block the breakout of attacks at all. I also tried several courses ("control your breath", "relax your muscles" etc.) with not too much effect. I am open to discuss problems with any one.

For a start, I think this would be it. :-)

Mrs G
06-06-13, 21:25
Hi there im new here. i was on citalopram for a good few years. Came off it in april but am struggling a bit now so think i might have to go back on it. i have tried. Anxiety horrible thing to live with. This seems like a great site for help and chat for people who been through similar things

08-06-13, 00:37
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.