View Full Version : worrying myself t d point dat I feel im going crazy

05-06-13, 19:55
Hey first of all im 22 and also I smoke...I wanna give up but can't right now cas I am seriously scared out of my wits.im so scared That I have lung cancer...iv had a cough for a month now also chest and back pains but not sure of their related r if they might b due t carrying my heavy baby son around....went t docs a couple weeks ago he said I had a chest infection gave me antibiotics but I still have this cough.went back today he said he dosnt tink it's anythin serious but if I still hav it in a couple weeks an im not happy dat he will send me for a chest xray. This hasn't made me feel any better im convinced I have it and so scared..it's a dry choking cough not coughing as much but still Der. Anyone had anythin similar dat turned out t b nothin? I made d mistake of googling which is where I got the lung cancer idea in the first place

06-06-13, 00:28
Yes I have got a cough and been sent for an x ray. The x ray was clear but I was so scared that I got into a bit of a state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway still got cough but a lot of people have same thing Doc says nearly everyone they see at surgery has same type of cough. Try not to worry I am sure you will be ok.