View Full Version : Head Pain - inconclusive, worried, scared.

05-06-13, 19:56

I have been feeling incredibly anxious as of late about some head pain I've been experiencing for about the last two weeks. It's led me to two doctor's visits and neither visit has made me feel convinced that I've received the appropriate diagnosis. I feel so frustrated and almost like I'm going crazy! I've really reached the end of my rope and so I thought I would try to get some friendly reassurance on here that I am actually just being paranoid.

About two weeks ago I developed a really bad headache out of nowhere on the left side of my head. I've always experienced headaches but no doctor has ever told me that it's something to worry about, in fact I'm used to being dismissed by doctors anytime I have a problem (probably why I am so wary of them because I never feel like I'm being treated with respect.) Anyways, it's gotten progressively worse to the point where my temple goes from experiencing a dull pain to sharp pain, almost like an electric jolt; my neck hurts, my right eye is blurry. I've experienced tingling in my face and the back of my head also throbs, constantly, there is no relief, it's been two weeks straight. It got so bad that I went to the hospital a few nights ago - doctor checked my eyes, felt my head, told me it was tension headaches, told me to go home and that I should feel better soon but to follow up in a couple of days with my regular GP. Went to my regular GP tonight, told her all the symptoms - said it CAN'T just be tension headaches (esp. since tension headaches are supposed to be all over your head but mine are only on left side) but lo and behold she says it is, to go home and rest, etc. etc.

I know it sounds crazy but I just can't believe this. To be honest I've been incredibly worried that is the warning signs of an ischemic attack (pre-stroke) or full stroke occurring, and that these pains are symptoms. I'm literally worried that at any moment I'm going to have a stroke and die. Some reasons for this train of thought are: I am young, I don't smoke, have a healthy diet and get enough physical activity, but for some reason I suffer from diagnosed mild hypertension; I also have poor blood circulation and Reynaud's Syndrome in my extremities and am on Cerazette (progesterin-only birth control which is supposed to be safer than regular birth control but still holds risks of clotting, strokes, etc.) So I worry that these are all contributing to me possible being at risk for stroke.

Yes, docs said I am just suffering from tension headaches, but this seems too severe and it came on so suddenly and randomly that my mind can't believe it. Plus the tingling, dizziness, blurry vision, etc. just makes me feel like this can't be the case, but if two doctors say it's so...then it must be so?

Ugh, anyone ever feel like doctors don't know what they're doing even though I know we're supposed to put our trust in them?!?! I suppose I just need to accept this diagnosis and pray for it to go away.

Also - I was prescribed Amitriptyline Hydrochloride, I don't even know if I want to take it because I feel like doctor just prescribed it to calm me down. Anyone have experience taking this?

05-06-13, 20:20
Sounds a lot like when I used to get my bad migraines.
I took Amitriptyline at first. Yeah, it knocked out my headaches. (I had migraines + a constant, less bad headache, like literally 24/7 pain.) The only thing I didn't like about it is that it made me SUPER tired and I gained some weight on it. I ended up switching to Topamax which I lovedlovedloved.

What OTC meds have you tried for it? Have they checked you for any sinus problems, ear issues, things like that? Did they do a thorough eye exam?

I have a huge distrust of doctors too so I understand completely. I've been having serious issues since January and I've gone to so many doctors who can't get their diagnoses straight and just give me the runaround. Try the amitriptyline. It'll most likely knock out your headache. If you don't like the sleepiness (if you get it), you can always switch to something else. But try this first because it should help you.

Also, I used to rub peppermint oil on my forehead when I had migraines. The cooling effect and the smell of peppermint gave relief. Sounds weird, I know! Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

05-06-13, 20:41
Thanks for sharing!

Yes, doctor did an eye exam, looked at the backs of my eyes to see if there was anything (tumour, etc.) putting pressure on my eye discs (there wasn't.) I also about a month ago had a check-up with my optometrist which came out clear (said my blood vessels look fine, did a check on my peripheral vision which was fine, etc. so that would rule out a tumour pretty much) so this is why I'm confused about my blurry vision. I also noticed I'm seeing a couple of faint black dots that seem to travel around on my eyeball, but these could be floaters (no idea how a person gets those!)

Didn't check me for sinus problems, ear problems or anything else though. I stabbed my ear with a Q-Tip last week though (brilliant move I know) which has had my ear feeling a bit muffled at times so maybe that's causing the dizzy/disoriented feeling.

I don't know I just can't seem to get the idea out of my head about stroke. I was having some chest pains a little while ago too which the GP told me was just heartburn but for some reason I feel like it could be correlated with the problem I'm having now? And the strange tingling/numb feeling I am getting in my head just seems really strange to me. I just feel like there are all these little strange symptoms and they don't seem to add up to just a tension headache. Maybe its migraines instead? I don't know, I'm not sure I know exactly what the difference is between migraine and tension and if my symptoms are migraine symptoms.

I've been taking paracetamol which hasn't helped, aspirin which seems to work but takes forever to kick in, and ibuprofen which helps a bit too but really nothing removes the pain for very long.

05-06-13, 21:10
Well, I rarely get migraines anymore but I DO get really horrible throbbing headaches that seem to be a mixture of sinus and stress. The only thing that helps these is Allegra and sometimes a steroidal nasal spray, as well as high doses of ibuprofen. I used to take Excedrin (lovelovelove Excedrin for headaches!!!!) but I've been having some problems with swallowing pills so that's out for now. Sinus and ear problems are also horrible--I've had crippling vertigo since Monday and I'm guessing it's to do with my ears and fluid buildup--again, maybe allergies because I'm prone to these things--would go to a doctor but am too dizzy to do it! :D

In my experience, migraines are the worst head pain, relieved only by laying down in a dark room with a cool washcloth, after taking Excedrin. 75% of the time I throw up and then fall asleep and then it's gone when I wake up. I started getting them when I was 8, took pills for them at 16, and I really haven't had them that often since then. But tension headaches and migraines can be really similar in presentation.

I've had chest pains before, really bad ones, and I had a cardio workup and it showed nothing. Doctor guesstimated it's either reflux, or esophageal spasms (which can be related to reflux and anxiety). Some other things can cause it too like being anemic and thyroid problems. What kind of bloodwork have they done on you?

You should try the Excedrin (I feel like a spokesperson...) but only if you can tolerate caffeine. It's basically aspirin + tylenol + caffeine and it works so well. If you don't have it in your area or don't want to try it, you might want to try drinking a diet, caffeinated drink with your pills. The caffeine is supposed to open up constricted nerve passages or something.

Can you lift your arm above your head without it falling on its own? That's supposed to be a really great way to determine if someone's had/is having a stroke. According to what I've read, anyway! :hugs:

05-06-13, 21:56
Yeah I'm probably not going to have a stroke I have to stop convincing myself that it's going to happen - I'm sure if it seemed like a serious possibility the doctors would have said something...at least you would hope :unsure:

I never thought about the caffeine! I actually thought caffeine was supposed to make headaches worse. I have been experiencing some pain in my face/nasal area and eye area where the sinuses are so maybe it could be sinus-related? Maybe even related to change in weather/seasons...I will keep the Excedrin thing in mind!!!!

I haven't had any recent bloodwork done but my last blood tests were done in November and nothing out of the ordinary popped up. But I feel like trying to go back to the GP to get some more tests done and maybe getting a third opinion...but I also don't want to seem crazy for visiting 3 doctors in 2 weeks!

05-06-13, 22:14
Yeah, I'm 99% sure no stroke and docs would have been looking for that :) But it can be hard to convince ourselves! So I understand :hugs:

Some people get worse with caffeine but others do well--I actually have increased heart rate with caffeine so I avoid it, BUT it helps my headaches so well! So who knows. Could very well be sinuses involved--do you take any Sudafed or allergy pills? I know allergies are knocking me around!

If you get bloodwork done, mention the thyroid and iron to your doc. You might also want to mention Vitamin D and B12, because deficiencies in both of those can cause headaches and fogginess and all kinds of things. I had my blood tested a few years ago and my D level was the lowest my doc had ever seen. I got it up to a good level and felt great! I need to get it checked again as I've been not taking the pills :P

Hope you feel better soon. Oh, if it's sinuses, you might want to try inhaling some warm steam/tea/broth. That can help open things up!

Mr m anxious
05-06-13, 22:21
You said sore neck, there is referred pain in many places from sore neck and one is pressure in one side of head, could just be due to your sore neck.

05-06-13, 22:44
I get tension headaches and they are always on one side of my head, just as you describe. My GP actually lent me a really good book called 'treat your own neck'. It has exercises in and he told me to do them every day. I found they really helped and a headache that I had every day for three weeks straight went away in a couple of days. My friend also gets these tension headaches on one side of her head. She even got sent for a load of tests because they were so bad that she could hardly move. They did turn out to just be tension headaches and she found swimming and massage helped a lot.

05-06-13, 22:52
Really! Hmm thanks everyone, I am feeling a little more confident now in my diagnosis even though I still have some worries and concerns but I know I'm an anxious and paranoid person so I suppose I should just try to put my faith in the medical community this once!

Bibliphilic - I don't take any allergy pills. Do you get other allergy symptoms with the headaches, like runny nose etc? I don't have that so I'm wondering could it still be a sinus thing?

Cattia - Is your pain ever in like your temple area? Mine seems to be localized a lot near my temple and it's always quite tender and sore there when I touch it as well.

Mr m anxious
05-06-13, 23:00
Poppi, I found a website which shows you trigger points and there referred pains, the neck and shoulders one shows referred pain on either temple. Message your neck like some of the others say, hope this helps. I get short bursts of Temple pressure when my neck is tense as well as tinnitus but when I'm relaxed both dissapear.

05-06-13, 23:08
Yes that's really helpful actually I had a ringing in my left ear a couple of days ago and that's the same side of my head/neck that's been hurting. Just gotta figure out what is causing the tenseness in my neck muscles I guess.

Wondering if the tingling feeling I've been experiencing could be anxiety related as well. Has anyone experienced this too?

Mr m anxious
05-06-13, 23:17
God yes, I have a lot of tingling everywhere, yes this is anxiety too and guess what, I've read that this tingling / pins and needles can also be caused my tense neck mucles, it's called parathesia. Your nerves run through your neck to your brain so tense neck muscles pressing on nerves can cause nerve sensations anywhere in your body!

05-06-13, 23:21
WOW I never knew this. If only my doctor mentioned these things during visits then I think I wouldn't feel so worried all the time! Especially when I Google (yes, the evil Google) tingling as a symptom of headaches the results are always things like stroke, heart attack, etc...scary stuff and of course I believe it...typical hypo me :D

05-06-13, 23:35
I don't usually get runny nose etc unless I'm around my cats :D Sometimes I just get horrible pressure and tension all over my head and face and ears.

And I concur about the neck--my own tense neck causes me a mess of problems, including headaches! I get the tingling as well!

Mr m anxious
05-06-13, 23:40
Yes Dr google, I've googled too much but the positive side of it was the information I found about the neck also my dr told me that nerve compression can cause tinnitus. Suppose it does make sense.

05-06-13, 23:50
I'm still trying to make sense of all my symptoms but yeah it does actually make sense now that I think about it. Doctor gave me a pamphlet with some neck exercises so I am going to see how that helps me. I'm a bit perturbed that the doctor didn't even seem to consider anything more serious or even running any tests on me even a blood test - God forbid it is something worse but sometimes I feel like doctors are too easy to dismiss symptoms.

Mainly I'm worried about waking up tomorrow again in terrible pain with the face tingling, the dizziness and the disorientation - when the headache is bad it's like my head almost feels cloudy and like I am not myself.

Googling symptoms has always just made me spiral down a hole of paranoia and anxiety and usually leads to a panic emergency doctor's appointment! So I will need to make a conscious effort to avoid doing it anymore.

Thanks everyone, your responses have been a real help.

Mr m anxious
06-06-13, 00:05
Good luck poppy, hope you get better soon.
One last thing, I think it's better to expect to wake up feeling bad again, I do every day I wake up, I believe it will take time to get over these symptoms after all a broken body will not heal overnight. In our case we need our ha minds to rest for a good while first before our body heals.

06-06-13, 00:12
Agreed, it won't happen overnight and I know it's going to take effort and time, just hoping I can keep my worry and my thoughts under control. Thanks :D

06-06-13, 08:41
So upon waking up this morning, instead of the pounding headache I've got intense itchiness on and around my scalp and the areas that were pounding before (esp. my temple which now itches like crazy) as well as some ear pain. Is this a symptom of something or am I going crazy?! I feel like I'm manifesting crazy symptoms somehow, anyone else ever feel that way?

06-06-13, 15:26
Interesting but my own headaches started about five weeks ago after having an eye exam. I don't know if it triggered something. My doctor also says it is tension headaches.


06-06-13, 20:51
That's so strange! I keep alternating all day between tingling and sharp stabbing pains in my left temple, I'm terrified and have hit panic mode. Keep having to remind myself it's not an aneurysm/stroke, if it was both my docs would have recognized symptoms...ughh!!