View Full Version : I'm scared i have a lung clot-please reply

05-06-13, 21:29
I have had a bad week anxiety wise.

Last week I had a sore chest and took myself to a+e, where they did a whole rAnge of tests and found that my d dimer (blood clot blood test) was slightly raised at 354 (range is up to 300). They did a lung vq scan and a leg scan and both negative. I was then obsessed with why the d dimer was raised plus I also have a very bad hip and leg pain so still was worried. On Friday I went back to a+e and the d dimer was normal again.

On Monday my hip had an enormous bruise on it and the lower right side of my back, lower groin and leg was in agony.my GP sent me to have an ultrasound on my lower abdominal and more bloods. All were normal even d dimer, apart from the fibrinogen which scared me as I always have elevated fibrinogen (it was 5.1 when norm below 4.5), and fibrinogen, apparently means I might get a clot, heart attack or stroke :( my drs are never worried about it though.

Today is Wednesday... the hip bruise is red and painful. My whole lower right side of my back (above my right buttock) is so painful, as well as the hip and leg And at times groin. My chest is also painful, like I have an infection. I keep coughing and the chest wall feels so sore...almost stinging. I'm getting random sharp pains too.

I had a d dimer on Monday. Whydo I think that in those two days since, I've gone and got a PE? It's so sore. I feel rubbish too and dizzy.I keep thinking that because of my elevated fibrinogen I will get a clot.
I hate this. I can't keep going to a+e.


Charlotte x

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

Please can anyone help?

05-06-13, 21:34
Believing you have all these conditions will cause all sorts of turmoil and symptoms in your body...let alone the anxiety it's causing. and it's response to your thoughts will give physical symptoms ..
We have to trust the docs and tests done., although I know it's easier said than done.
We are not qualified to help much beyond giving support, but I wanted to reply as no one had yet.

05-06-13, 21:37
I am not sure we are able to reassure you much more than we have done Charlotte as none of us can say for sure what is wrong and you have to trust the docs and the tests you have done.

The more you stress over the problem the worse it will get as you are then adding tension and stress to the mix.

I am not sure what else to say but you need to talk to a professional about these issues as at the end of the day we are just a site about panic and anxiety.

I am sure you will get it sorted though.

05-06-13, 21:45
Sorry I just wondered if anyone here had been through the same. Chest is so sore and feel so alone andvscared.

05-06-13, 21:53
Perhaps book to see your GP asap if your really scared. That's the only way you'll be reassured.

05-06-13, 22:21
Hello, just thought i'd let you know that I had a similar situation, went to A&E with chest pains, my blood test showed positive for a PE, so naturally I freaked out with the health anxiety, had a CT scan the next day and all fine. The doctors said that the blood tests can be very misleading as anything can alter them. It does sound like anxiety is causing you lots of these symptoms!

05-06-13, 22:49
Hey Charlotte, I know u are really scared right now, but I just wanted to let u know that ur not alone, I was 32 weeks pregnant with my daisy when I had bad chest pains, and I mean horrible in the bottom right of my back as we'll, went to docs and he listened to my lung and sent me to hospital in an ambulance! I was sedated on the spot and given warfarin to thin my blood. I had a nuclear scan within an hour, and I can tell u this, ur oxygen would be below 80, you would be crying in pain and being sick also. Please stop worrying, u do not have a blood clot hunny. Xxxxxxxxxx